Reading Reflection #6: Logical Fallacies

ARQ chapter 6, Are There Any Fallacies in the Reasoning? :

  1. The fallacies that have seen are: appeal to popularity fallacy, appeal to emotion fallacy; I have heard them in politics
  2. I have subconsciously used appeal to popularity fallacy to get someone to do something without realizing it. The person knew me and he understood why I did it. No conflict or opposing arguments were said.
  3. The passage states that many politicians or authoritative figures support the movement. It also provides a fearful factor in the passage when it talks about how gay marriage will ruin America’s traditions and values.
  4.  This passage presents a person that is stated to be an idiot to the reader to drive them toward an opinion. It also provides a first-person point of view about nothing going wrong so this will also help change the reader’s view. It also points out that other things will happen because of it which is a fallacy.
  5. For the second passage three suggestions that I would make to create a stronger argument are to provide facts, add statistics, and to not use something in order to get your argument out.

– Daniel Moreno

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