What To Do If Your Pet Is Having a Seizure

What to do if your pet is having a seizure.

Watching your pet having a seizure can be a terrifying moment. As pet parents, we would do anything we can to keep our pets happy and healthy. When pet seizures happen, you just want to stop it for them somehow but the truth is you can’t. Although there isn’t anything we can do to stop the seizures, here are a couple of steps to take that I find helpful when your pet has one.

Stay Calm

The most important step to take is staying calm. Although what your pet is experiencing may look painful and scary to you, they are unconscious and don’t feel pain. The most painful part of the experience is probably your fear. Pets can often feel when you are scared or stressed. It is important not only for yourself to stay calm but for your pet so they don’t have to worry about why you are stressed when they wake up from the seizure.

Be Near Them

It is okay to sit next to your pet while having a seizure. When they wake up from it, they will look confused, and seeing you next to them will help. However, be cautious about where you put your hand. If you have your hand too close to their mouth, they might accidentally bite you while being unconscious. Try sitting next to your pet and rub their back.

Talk to Them 

Although your pet is unconscious while the seizure is happening, I find it helpful to talk to them in a calm and soothing voice while it is happening. I will also rub my dogs back and say “It’s okay (either Zeus or Hades), mommies right here”. By talking to them, it helps keep me calm, and your pet will hear what you are saying while they are waking up.

Be Cautious of Surrounding Objects

When your pet is having a seizure, you will notice how they are flopping around and kicking their legs. It is important to check and make sure their head isn’t next to anything, and they won’t kick anything that could hurt them. I find it

Zeus’s head on a pillow.

helpful to put a pillow under their head, so it doesn’t hit the floor too much. Be careful when doing this step, by making sure not to put your hand too close to their mouth.

What to do After

When the seizure is over, your pet will likely lay there for a few seconds before getting up. Just keep staying calm and talking to them. Once they get up, I will clean up the foam from their mouth and their other bodily fluids they got on themselves. After they get up, they will most likely walk around and look confused. Just keep talking to them in a calm voice and let them do what they want. After a few minutes, they will go back to their normal self. Once those few minutes are up, you should call your vet, and they will let you know what steps to take next. Just remember the most important step is to stay calm. These steps are what I found to help me best when dealing with seizures. 

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