Weekly Update

This week for the group project I will be working on a few different things. I will be interviewing someone about sexism they have seen in the workplace and making it into a podcast. After that I will be making a post about the interview on the group blog page and add the podcast to it. This week I will also be making another Instagram post on the group Instagram account about the interview as well.

Group Project Weekly Update

This week for the collaborative project my group met on Sunday again to discuss what our plans for the week ahead look like for the project. We talked about getting our first few blog posts done, what we are going to post on our social media pages this week, and what each of us will be blogging about. Yesterday and today I was able to interview someone for a podcast about sexism in the workplace they have witnessed over the past few years and how it has changed and wrote about it in the blog post. I will also be posting our first Instagram post this week as well. It seems like things are moving along smoothly and we plan on meeting every Sunday night to stay up to date.

Collaborative Project Week 2

This week on the collaborative project we have been discussed what steps we are taking next. We made a decision on which social media outlets we are going to use and who is going to make them. We also decided to do a mix between podcasts and Youtube videos to go with our blog posts. These will be dedicated to peoples personal stories to sexism in the workplace that they have experienced. I also made our group Instagram account where we will share with others what are work is about and have place for people to connect.

Elements Apart Of Sexsim In The Workplace

For the Social Media Campaign Project blog we will be focusing on Sexism in the workplace. We will be talking about experiences we have seen of sexism in the workplace from both genders point of view. As well as talking about gender equality in the workplace and sexual assaults connected to the work place as well and how we want to stop these things from happening or what we can do to help others dealing with it.

Imagining A Safe Place

Have you ever had a time where you saw someone you work with doing something or say something they shouldn’t have? Were you to scared to do or say anything about it after? Were you just not sure what to do after?

Whenever I was working a job and saw some form of sexism and was to afraid to say anything I wished I had  a place to talk to someone about it. From my own personal experiences seeing this at a workplace at a young age I was to terrified to say anything. I think this is something many young adults might experience and also could be to scared to say anything. This is why I think we need a safe space online where we can post about what we saw and how to handle it. It would be a perfect way for someone to get help on the situation and get the chance to talk to someone else about it. I also think it would be a way for others to know they aren’t alone in the situation knowing someone else dealt with the same thing at one point. Social media can give us the opportunity and safe place to open up and get help when we might need it.

Imagining A Better Work Environment

I have always been a strong believer in if you want something bad enough you can make it happen. With that being said I also think if we imagine something happening over and over again it can happen.

Thinking back now I wish I would have imagined a better working environment where everyone felt safe and sexism never happened. I would see it as a place for anyone to come in and find what they are looking for without being judged on what they look like. The workers would be able to come to work as well without ever being judged for what they look or who they were. Sadly, this was not the case while I was working at the beauty supply store. If I imagined this while I was still working there I know I could have made a difference and spoke up about what I saw. Simply by picturing a safe space and rehearsing what exactly to say when you see something wrong could have made a big difference in the working environment.

Our imagination is a beautiful thing to have and can picture anything you want it to. It is a powerful tool to help us create the kind of environment we want in the world. Knowing this information now, I will take it with me to future jobs and use my imagination to help me have the best working environment possible.

Understanding Others Experiences

I have often times found it difficult to have people understand me and where I am coming from or me understand them when we have had different experiences in life. Not every person goes through the same things in life and have the same experiences. With everyone being so different from one another it can make it hard to see where the other person is coming from. Listed below will be a few tips to keep in mind whenever you might be having this issue.

-Keep an open mind.

-Take the time to listen to what the other person has to say. (Let them finish talking before you say anything even if something they said you don’t agree with).

-Try to see it from their point of view.

-Have them do the same for you.

-Try to find similarities in each experience.

-Have each other explain how these situations made them feel.(Knowing how they felt at the time will help you get a better understanding of what it was like for them).

-Lastly, remind yourself that we are all different but still humans who have feelings.

These few things should help you both understand each others experience a little better. It should also help you grow and learn more about what things are like for other people.


How I see myself as a civic agent

While growing up, I have always been the kind of person who would try to help out in the world whenever I could. I am a strong believer that change won’t happen unless we actually do the work to change something. Also like any other human being I know I’m not perfect and don’t always do the right thing.

Like I mentioned in previous blog postings I use to work at a beauty supply store for only licensed cosmetologist to buy what they needed. While working at the store, I did see a bit of sexism happening in the work place. Since I was pretty knew at the time I have to admit that I never actually said anything about it even though I knew it was wrong. Looking back now, I wish I would have said something to my fellow co-workers whenever they did something that wasn’t okay. I know that if I would have said something it would be a small step in the right direction for change.

Now I am at a part of my life where I feel confident enough to speak up to anyone when I see them doing something wrong. Although it may not always make a difference with every person I encounter. Even getting the point across to them is a step in the right direction for change.

How To Make A Change In The Workplace

The best way to make a change about something you see if be open and honest about it. Although it may be scary at first especially if you are new like I was, it needs to be said. Here are few tips you can use to kindly let a fellow employee know what they said is wrong.

-Start off with telling them you don’t think they meant it in a sexiest way.

-Let them know how they could approach the situation next time.

-Be honest about what you noticed.

-Explain why it was sexiest (in case they don’t realize).

-Be kind while talking to them. Even if they get offensive. Some people might not understand you are coming from a caring place and that is okay.

Hopefully these tips can help you out in the future. Remember the only way we can make a change is if we speak up about it.

Noticing Sexism in the Workplace

Like I mentioned in my last post, sexism was a bit of an issue where I worked. From the customers walking into the store to the employee drama, there was a bit of sexism. In a work place we shouldn’t be judging others by their gender or be making assumptions about them because of it. In a store that sells salon products, this was a issue I was noticing.

In a workplace we need to speak up about what we see. Sometimes people might not even notice that they are sexiest. If we nicely let them know what they did and why it was wrong they can be aware of it next time. I have to admit since I was so new to the store and pretty young at the time I was a bit afraid to speak up about it. Now that I look back I wish I would have said something. If we always stay silent when we see something then it will never change.