Congratulations to Dr. Brittany Williams, Assistant Professor of Higher Education Administration! Dr. Williams’ research was recently published in the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education.  The article, #GhanaTaughtMe: How Graduate Study Abroad Shifted Two Black American Educators’ Perceptions of Teaching, Learning, and Achievement can be found at:

16 thoughts on “New Publication Alert: Congratulations Dr. Brittany Williams!

  1. Congratulations Dr. Williams. I look forward to reading your research. The topic sounds very fascinating. My brother travels every year on his vacation to Ghana with a team of Doctors to perform surgeries. I’ve learned a lot of the Ghana culture from him. I will surely read your report.

    1. Hi there, thank you! Ghana is a beautiful place and I am lucky to have been able to go. Let me know what you think!

  2. Congratulations, Dr. Williams! Looking forward to learning with you next semester!

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