
My Note: Excellent article with ideas for promoting the MakerSpace

Is Snapchat a Business Tool? Yes.

Snapchat is a Smartphone application that allows users to send photos or short videos to another user. But with Snapchat messages, they disappear after viewing–usually in just a few seconds–so they can’t be forwarded or saved.

how do you build brand awareness on a temporary medium?

Do you think a short Snapchat video of your CEO playing Halo in the conference room would be interesting to a younger audience? A VP sleeping in an office meeting? The HR Director’s bad tie or haircut? Scenes such as these are the coin-of-the-realm in brand marking these days–the way for you and your brand to be “not that guy.” And Snapchat’s temporary nature is the perfect place for such less-than-serious messaging.

You may find it difficult to engage your senior leadership–or other company leaders–in being Snapchat fodder. Or you may decide that producing short clips or funny photos just isn’t worth the marketing investment. Both are fine conclusions.

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