Archive of ‘social media’ category

3 Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do on Pinterest

3 Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do on Pinterest

Tag People in Comments

Pinterest may not be the most popular when it comes to direct communication between consumers and brands, but it is still worth your time to respond to and engage with your audience. When responding to a comment or commenting on a Pin yourself, Pinterest allows you to tag a user (as long as you’re following them). Of course this feature is not new or unique, but on Pinterest it’s not as commonly used.

Use Hashtags for Exclusivity

Pinterest does not support hashtags the way it once did, which means they are still clickable, but search results will include other pins. Those pins will have the same words in their description, link address or file name. To make the most of hashtags on Pinterest, the best approach would be to make one that is unique. Whether it’s for a campaign or exclusive promotion, Pinterest hashtags are best for exclusivity – if you’re more interested in SEO, keywords are the way to go.

Pinterest Source Tool

With Pinterest’s Source Tool, you can easily see what people are pinning from your website and from your competitor’s (or any website for that matter). All you have to do is type in _DOMAIN_HERE and a list of pins will show up. This tool can help provide some basic insight into popular products and (my note) information

7 Things You Shouldn’t Tweet

7 Things You Shouldn’t Tweet

1. “What a workout! #exhausted #seeyoutomorrowgym”

New Years Day has come and gone, and like most Americans, my resolution for 2014 about working out is already nonexistent. Now, don’t make me or anyone else feel even worse about it by tweeting about “your extreme Crossfit session” or your “punishing leg day workout.”

Plus, are you really working out that hard if you have time to tweet about it?

2. “Gosh like 3 people today told me I’m beautiful, but I totally don’t think so. #confused #beauty”

Did you read that with a Valley girl tone of voice?

This kind of tweet is an example of the confusingly popular phenomenon that has been coined as humble brag tweeting. Humble bragging is boasting about something, but undercutting with modest humor. While the violation is mostly a Hollywood kind of offense, everyday Tweeters aren’t immune to the annoyance.

Arrogantly bragging about an achievement laced with an “oh my gosh how did that happen,” will not get you any new genuine followers or retweets. It will only get you unwanted eye rolling and unfollows. Say no to humble brag tweeting.

3. “Love is about finding it in unepected places. #anotherglassofwineplease #turndownforwhat”

If your guilty vice is having a few cocktails, or enjoying your favorite bottle of Syrah, so be it. But don’t let all of Twitter know about it, coupled with an inspirational quote about love, success, or how amazing the world is.

If you’re using Twitter to take advantage of its networking and outreach opportunities, tweeting that you’re under the influence isn’t the way to do it.

4. “I’m at ________”

The dreaded foursquare tweet. Geotagging your Instagram and Facebook photo updates have surged across social media. But unless you’re into the whole stalker thing, don’t tweet out your exact location.

The purpose of this tweet is to invite others to join in, right? But did you know a majority of Twitter users are not in the U.S.? Again, if you like international lurkers, keep on checking into foursquare. But if you’re into privacy like me, keep your geo-tagging tweets to a general, “Hey I’m at Joe Momma’s Coffee.”

5. “RT if you love us plzzzzz”

How to put this lightly? No…one…will…retweet…you. Not only is this kind of tweet spammy and annoying, it screams juvenile. How can any audience take you seriously if they feel like they are following a toddler on Twitter who can’t even spell please?

Okay, I lied. Here are a few more things you shouldn’t tweet.

6. “Thanks for following via ManageFlitter. @i_alexandrarose is now following you.”

Stop reading right now, and go turn off this automated tweet. Nothing screams, “I don’t really even use Twitter, just HootSuite,” more than this nonsense of a tweet.

7. “Thanks for the follow! Now let’s connect on Facebook @i_alexandrarose.”

If I wanted to “like” you on Facebook, I wouldn’t be connecting with you on Twitter. Plus, an invite to your Facebook page sends the message “I’m so important and everything I tweet is so valuable, you shouldn’t miss any of my Facebook selfies.”

Newsflash, no one is that important. Except maybe Neil Diamond.

Sweet Caroline. Bum, bum, bum. Good times never seemed so good.

If you’re at the gym, stay off Twitter. If you’re drunk, stay of Twitter. If you feel like complimenting yourself, do so in the mirror while you’re taking a selfie. Don’t give your Twitter followers any reason to unfollow you. Stick to useful, conversation-fueling tweets, and soon everyone will want to listen to your bird chirping.

Words of wisdom from the corporate world:

3 ways mobile can grow your business

1. Go mobile or bust

to grow your business, it’s important that you create a mobile-optimized website.It’s not hard. It’s not expensive. Get it done.

2. Focus on mobile advertising

you’ll need to consider advertising on those popular sites that people are visiting.

3. Accept there will be an app for that, and embrace it

In order to grow, you’re going to equip them [service employees] with tablets that run all sorts of applications they’ll need to use to get their jobs done.

Social Media: Orkut – the end of an era…

Some [many] of you might have received the email on the bottom of this IMS blog

Orkut (, created by a Turkish computer specialist was a strong contestant of Facebook and MySpace ( in the early days when Mark Zuckerberg was only a college kid. While LinkedIn was brought to oblivion by Facebook and reinvented itself as a site for selfstarters/artist, Orkut became the “Facebook” for Brazil and India.
Purchased by Google in 2008, it was doomed when Google+ came to existence.

Pulling the plug on Orkut signifies closes the first chapter on the history of social media

From: orkut <>
Date: July 5, 2014 at 2:30:29 AM CDT
Subject: A Farewell to Orkut
Reply-To: orkut <>

A Farewell to Orkut

After ten years of sparking conversations and forging connections, we have decided it’s time for us to start saying goodbye to Orkut. Over the past decade, YouTube, Blogger and Google+ have taken off, with communities springing up in every corner of the world. Because the growth of these communities has outpaced Orkut’s growth, we’ve decided to focus our energy and resources on making these other social platforms as amazing as possible for everyone who uses them.

We will shut down Orkut on September 30, 2014. Until then, there will be no impact on you, so you may have time to manage the transition. You can export your profile data, community posts and photos using Google Takeout (available until September 2016). We are preserving an archive of all public communities, which will be available online starting September 30, 2014. If you don’t want your posts or name to be included in the community archive, you can remove Orkut permanently from your Google account. Please visit our Help Center for any further details.

It’s been a great 10 years, and we apologize to those of you still actively using the service. We hope you will find other online communities to spark more conversations and build even more connections for the next decade and beyond.

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