Telegram Telegram is widely used by the Russian political establishment, and prominent politicians and officials have openly flouted or criticised the ban. Data from the app showed several Kremlin officials had continued to sign in on Tuesday evening, four days after a court ordered the service to be blocked over alleged terrorism concerns. Edward Snowden,…

Russia eternal president

How Russia’s Eternal President Has Changed His Country Russians will be going to the polls on March 18, but it is already clear who will emerge victorious. Vladimir Putin has been at the helm for almost 20 years — both dramatically changing his country and subjugating it at the same time. Vladimir Putin has…

Reddit Social Propaganda

Reddit admits hosting Russian propaganda  06 March 2018 Co-founder Steve Huffman said that it had removed “a few hundred accounts” suspected of being of Russian origin. Senate investigators want answers from Reddit and Tumblr on Russia meddling By Tony Romm March 5 at 5:57 PM Triggering the Senate’s new interest is a trove of documents first…

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