Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha by Luna Gebriel

Luna Gebriel with her CTUL colleagues

Luna interned with a low wage workers organization called Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha (CTUL).

I worked specifically on the Fast Food campaign, where I organized fast food workers around workplace issues. Some of these issues included wage theft, fair scheduling, enforcement of $15 as a minimum wage in Minneapolis and much more. Also, identifying potential leaders in stores along the way. Organizing within labor, though still connected, is different than other forms of organizing.  It ties all of the intersections of class, race, gender, etc.


Due to my experience working with majority workers of color, I was also able to envision and create my final project on collaborating with other organizations on common issues.  I facilitated an initial meeting between leaders of Black Visions Collective (BLVC) and Black Lives Matter (Minneapolis Chapter), and Organizers from Centro de Trabajadores en Lucha (CTUL), to discuss the bridge between the role of Black Lives and the Labor Movement as a whole. We also discussed the intricate details of what that entails, and specifically what the work of that looks like while organizing workers on the field.


It was one thing to learn about this within the classroom, but to actually be on the field and applying it was a whole different experience. I was able to fail and grow in ways I never thought possible. I learned about social problems in the classroom, but actually seeing it play out in front of my face was shocking, amongst other forms of emotions. However, strategizing with some of the best organizers within the Twin Cities on how to combat these issues was empowering.

Information about CTUL:

Below is the contact information for CTUL and details about the Fast Food Campaign, for anyone who may want to look into it in the future. Peace.

Fast Food Campaign

“The fast food industry is growing and replacing good paying jobs. These ever growing companies aren’t sharing their wealth with their employees, many of whom are paid poverty wages that can’t support an entire family. CTUL and workers have been fighting back, demanding just wages and benefits from this powerful industry.”

Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha

The Center of Workers United in Struggle

3715 Chicago Ave

Minneapolis, MN 55407

(612) 332-0663

Post Internship:

I am currently the Community Organizer for a new organization called MN Youth Collective. This is an organization committed to creating space and resources for young people to be able to engage in political processes. This has been an amazing experience for two reasons. One, I have been able to apply many skills from my internship, and two I was able to combine my love of working with youth and organizing. All in all, I am very happy with the results and growth I received from CTUL, as I am still in contact and continue to do work with the organization.

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About Elizabeth

I am a Professor, Sociologist/Criminologist with an interest in Disability Rights and Neurodiversity and a mother of an adult child and an 8 year old (20 year age gap). I have studied the anti-rape movement, women who visit men in prison, and bodies that are labeled deviant.
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