Quiz Review

brown hall 313

Want to improve your quiz grades? Are you enrolled in GERO 208 or 405 (Introduction to Gerontology and/or Dementia and Aging) join us for a educational event. Using Kahoot we will review some of the prime information from the courses so far. There will be prizes!
Finally we will review your questions about quiz questions. Meet your classmates and grow educationally. This event will be in-person and on Zoom at the same time. Please RSVP by the tenth of November if you can. Late RSVPS are allowed but please try to RSVP by the tenth.

Can you not make the event? Want to review quiz questions? Email geroga3@minnstate.edu. Currently GA office hours are open from 12pm-1pm on Mondays and Thursdays. This time is by appointment only. In some occasions we can find other time that we can work together.This event will be happening as a replacement our usual Tuesday study group.
You can do this! Let us help you succeed.

Hosted by: Gerontology Club

Online Location: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/98009470045

Additional Information can be found at: https://huskiesconnect.stcloudstate.edu/event/7567313