Hello world! 1st Post

So this is my first attempt at a blog post I am very familiar with the process but I have never actually use them in a formal education setting like this and I’m kind of excited for the opportunity. I think for my first post that it’s really important that I really flush out what my current thoughts are with technology used in the classroom. I know by the end of the class we’re supposed to be creating a technology usage philosophy and so I think I need to really get my thoughts down, on I guess in this case a word processor, as to what I truly believe. The nice thing about blogs is that they can kind of be created in a sense that are maybe a little bit untraditional and so I think the things that are going to be most helpful in the sense based on my personality are numbered lists. Here are my top five current believe statements after having been in the classroom for five years with 1:1 Chromebooks all five of those years here we go:

  1. Technology cannot replace a face to face interactions
  2. Word processors are not the modern “worksheet”
  3. Students need to be taught to use technology responsibly 
  4. Brain function when using technology needs to be taken into consideration 
  5. Reading on a digital device cannot replace the skills while reading physical print media 

I will spend my next few blog posts flushing out where each of these different believe statements have originated from and will restructure and identify key pieces to keep and some pieces that may need to be tossed with the use of the resources given throughout the class. That’s all for now — Amy

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