Reflecting on Teachology Statement Assignment

 After having read the Teachnology Philosophy statement assignment there were a couple key pieces that I found to be not only helpful but clarifying in terms of how this will help me later on in my classroom. The first thing that I really appreciate it was that there could be references to outside sources that support our views. As helpful as it is to just go through the thought process I think it’s even more important to make sure that our ideas are founded on researched based information. Secondly, it was nice to see the list of possible blogging topics as a means of preparing for this assignment. I find myself struggling to use the blog and can’t quite pinpoint the reason as to why this is but having clear tangible topics for every posting I think will help with this. Finally as an English teacher I really appreciate the opportunity to have P review as a means of refining our drafts. In the writing process since this is super helpful but also having a chance to read what some of my classmates have developed will also be a major help. That’s all for now.

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