I was surprised at how difficult I found this assignment to be! Using this blog as a means of processing some of my thoughts and generating key ideas that could be flushed out seemed to be a start but not just enough. Some of the feedback that I have been getting in regards to my progress in the class has been the lack of dedication to my blog (my interpretation of the feedback) and I agree. I am used to reading something, analyzing it, and providing textual and scholarly text based evidence to support my ideas. The reason that I think I am struggling with the blog and the philosophy statement is because I no longer have the routine, which I have become very comfortable with, and shield provided for me. Asked to share what I think and why is the same basic principle but the introspection and connection to my life is one that I am not used to on top of being uncomfortable with. Blame it on the system or my particular personality, but this is something that has really opened my eyes in terms of what I perceive as a significant investment of my time and skill when it comes to writing.