
I was chatting with our Media Specialist (Librarian) about my upcoming presentation on the various digital libraries we have access to and I was surprised to hear her opinions on reading on personal devices. As a one to one district I am looking for ways for my students to utilize them in ways that make sense to them, reading is one of those ways. She mentioned that she was not a fan. She is very progressive and knowledgeable in everything tech and literature related and this really surprised me. In probing a bit more she expressed that there needs to be a balance in everything and that includes technology. Students are being asked to complete so many different projects and assignments digitally. They need a chance to unplug and learn the value of something timeless like reading. I respect and appreciate her stance, many aspects of it I agree with. However I am not ready to dismiss the opportunities that digital libraries offer. Obviously this format is not for everyone, but helping my students find balance with their devices should be a teaching moment that I seize.