Stepping out of my comfort zone

I feel like I’ve done pretty well with keeping up with the technological advances that come along and incorporating them into the classroom if it has the right fit. One thing that I have never been interested/comfortable with has been video production and film editing. With new video apps like Tik Tok, video production has been on the rise in terms of interests and ease. We are wrapping up a unit on the horror genre and other than an essay, students have the chance to pick another project, one of which is filming and editing a book trailer based on the short story they read. I was able to offer examples from previous students and a pretty basic overview of platforms to use. Other than that they seem to be self sufficient! This is the first time I have allowed students to have an opportunity like this in fear of not being able to help them. I now know that they are able to help themselves in addition to needing to remember that there are colleagues who are familiar with these programs who would be happy to help. Out of my comfort zone as an educator, but it really worked out in my favor this time!

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