- I believe that a person who uses critical thinking tends to value logic over feelings. Some people think with their hearts while others think mostly with their head and use logical reasoning, I believe that most critical thinker fall on the head thinking aspect of the spectrum. Another characteristic is confidence, specifically in themselves, they have to be confident in their ability to reason and rationalize ideas, also honesty is very important as well
- Weak sense critical thinkers, tend to be more biased is what I’ve noticed, they have trouble seeing other view points or sides of stories of people they’re no the most fond of. Where as strong sense thinkers can easily have an open mind and be receptive to other view points // ideas.
- An argument you’d have in an academic setting vs and argument you’d have with a friend or a sibling are very very different things, usually when you’re arguing outside of an academic setting ie; a classroom, let’s say at home with your brother, it’s more of a fight, there’s usually no organization behind the claims and statements being made and most of the time (at least at my house) includes yelling. However when you are in an academic setting it’s usually more referred to as “presenting an argument” where you are trying to voice your opinion on a topic and you usually write out reasons to support your claim and there usually shouldn’t be yelling involved.
- This is a question I’ve wondered for so long. Not to get dark or anything but I’ve tried watching documentaries into the minds of convicted felons including murderers, trying to figure out the way they think. But the answer to why we’ll never know is because, humans are constantly adapting, especially our brains and the way we work. Yes with current technology we’re closer than ever to finding out how we work but still so far.
Why Questioning :
- The role of questions has a huge role in my life, as I hope it does in everyone elses. I was quickly labeled inquisitive as a kid the second I learned to speak as I was constantly asking “why”
“why is the sky blue” “Why can’t I go play with my friends” “why do i have to do this” I’ve always been a very curious person, and have always liked being informed and in the loop. - I think some children stop asking questions because they get yelled at for asking too many or because they stop getting answers. That’s what happened to me when I was younger, I was always yelled at for wanting to know too much. People like Bezos and Jobs still question because they’re so incredibly smart, they always want to know more and there’s always more to know.
- As a student asking questions is SO SO SO important, whether it’s about a deadline, something you didn’t understand in a lecture, etc. If you’re not asking the questions you have, you will continue to be confused and it will interfere with your education. As for the role questions play in my future profession, Im going to be a nurse. Questions are the most important role in that job. ” where does it hurt” “whats wrong” “are you allergic to this” its SO important.