What Dog Breeds Make the Best Pets

Everyone wants the cute little puppy. One that is fluffy and will cuddle with them and has that cute puppy breath.  What people don’t think about is that those puppies will grow up and require a lot of care. There are specific breeds that are deemed family friendly dogs and others that people should think twice about before adopting or buying from a breeder.

There are breeds that get a bad rap as well, but can be the sweetest, most loving pet you will own with the proper training and care. Obedience training is extremely important with pit bulls, rottweilers, and doberman pinchers. Golden Retrievers and Labs are 2 of the best family pets.  Labs are extremely energetic until about the age of 2 so they require a lot of time outdoors and exercising to help burn some of that energy. Some breeds like collies, shih tzu, cocker spaniel and others require lots of grooming which requires the expense of a groomer and time driving to appointments or time for you to spend taking care of it yourself.  German Shepherds are fantastic family dogs, but are also protective and can be a little on the mean side if not trained correctly.

It is important to research the breed of dog you would like to add to your family if you decide that pet ownership is for you. Decide if that particular breed is something that will work well with your family and lifestyle and if not, then look for one that will.  Maybe a dog isn’t the best fit and you would do better with a cat or rabbit. You need to research and ask questions to ensure that you are choosing the correct pet for your home. As I said before, pets can last up to 15-18 years so it is a lifetime commitment.

Has anyone had a great experience or bad experience with a particular breed? What advice do you have for people that are thinking about adopting a dog?