I’ve had a lot of time to think about this next topic for my blog post. For several weeks now, I’ve been focusing on what solutions look like for social justice or even some resources for individuals to follow and learn. For this blog post for this week, I will do my best in explaining imaginative dimension in real world spaces and places. What does this look like? I think that would involve all of our leaders discussing important issues in a civilized manner and re-creating a world where individuals can be accepted and not fall into prejudice and racism.
Over the last ten years, the discussion that’s been happening within our country regarding healthcare and even politics have become more heated than ever. It’s also come to the point where some elected officials have started to share false information regarding facts or from the candidate. My wish for everyone running for any type of office would be to have civilized discussions and not to cut off anyone when debating their important points. It feels like more people in higher authority are willing to cut people off and not letting them finish their statement.
Another point for the real world would be for individuals to be accepted and not be around prejudice and racism. In our society, more tolerance is coming into play with issues like social justice LGBTQ+ rights and abortion. I think our thinking of the real world in spaces can play into the simple fact of accepting everyone, having little to no arguments and not having a division among ourselves.
These two points that I’ve made should not be hard for people to implement regularly. Hopefully, I’ve imagined some type of drive to look at what the real world spaces and places would look like in the near future. Even if it doesn’t happen, maybe it Can happen in huge cities and grow from there.