Is there a way to use marijuana professionally?
I believe there is.
Pot has been associated with the trope of laziness, disassociation, and stupidity for a long time. Today we still see those notions being exercised in media, schools, work and community life.
Using pot professionally without maintaining privacy pertaining to usage is a goal I strive for. Breaking these stigmas slowly but surely. In my professional life, I want to be transparent about my use of marijuana, just as casually as someone would be about drinking alcohol off the job.
I think the steps leading to this are rooted in connection, and willingness.
Willingness to learn, and put previous notions aside, while being connected to the information being provided.
To achieve this goal, I show up authentically in professional settings. I use my skills of presenting well, to form a connection, while also being outspoken about my marijuana usage.
I believe pot users have more than enough capacity to be productive professionally to denounce harmful stereotypes, rewriting the idea that pot can’t be professional.
What are your expectations of others regarding marijuana usage?
Do you think that weed can be professional?
I think it is important to show up authentically in all things done in life. It is important for everyone to see your true and genuine side. That being said, I read the first sentence and immediately had my mind made up before reading this post. I had some internal bias toward this subject that I did not even know about. Initially, I thought no – no way. But after you compared it to sharing about alcohol, I realized it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. I think it would take the right setting, but weed could be professional someday.