Now that we know about the two main cannabinoids found in Cannabis plants, it is time to learn a little about terpenes of the marijuana plant.
Terpenes are natural chemicals or chemical compounds found in plants. In marijuana, terpenes affect the color, smell, and taste of the flower, or buds.
Different terpenes in cannabis have different psychoactive affects on the brain. Every person reacts to terpenes differently but scientists are able to estimate what “high” will be produced from the cannabis depending on the terpene profile of the plant.
There are multiple terpenes in one plant, all simultaneously working with the cannabinoids to produce unique feelings during a high.
Some terpenes are notable for certain affects like pain relief, mind clarity, insomnia relief, and so much more!
Contrary to popular belief, the type of cannabis plant is not that important. Indica or sativa is the go to question when really, what makes up the high is the terpene profile. Fun fact, eco scientists have found that there is little to no distinction or difference in effects between sativa and indica strains with similar terpene profiles.