5 Ways to Stay Organized

Check Your Planner

Woman writing on a sticky note

Almost every professor, advisor, or faculty member will tell you to get a Link planner and use it. Not only should you write down your assignments and schedule in your Link, but you should check it too! We often write in our planners and then forget what we wrote. Whenever you open the planner you should be looking at the assignments for that week/day.


Write it Multiple Times

When you write something down you are more likely to remember it. Writing something once may not be enough for our memory. One creative solution is to get a white board. You can write your assignments for the week on the white board and erase them once you are finished!

Plan your Procrastination

Procrastination is a common problem for college students. Rather than planning to study for 5 hours straight, plan your procrastination. Giving yourself time to go on your phone, watch shows, or take a nap, encourages you to get started on work again. Organize your schedule with small blocks of time, rather than long unproductive hours.

Put Things in the Same Place

It is okay to be messy. Not everyone has the ability to keep their areas strategically laid out. One tip, to keep even a messy place organized, is to put things back where you got them. This way when you need a book, folder, or notebook it is right where you left it. There is no stress of losing or misplacing assignments, they will be right where you normally put it.

Get into a Routine

There may not be a single solution to getting organized, but the key is to find a routine. Habits can be difficult to create, but even harder to get rid off. Once you have an organization skill or plan that works, stick to it. Organization will become second nature and you will feel relaxed and prepared every day.

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