Reading Reflection #4: Group Topic Article

  1. The article I read was “Race Matters…And So Does Gender”
  2. The article discussed differences in discipline in both race and gender for children, highlighting the differences in each experiences.
  3. Quotes: I think the quotes are important because they highlight disparities in race and gender
    1. “Figure 4 more clearly portrays the magnitude of the disparities in representation for Black, Asian, and White male students.4 As shown, Black males’ representation among the disciplined male population was, on average, 2.65 times larger than their representation among all male students. Alternatively, White and Asian male students were only 0.25 and 0.65 times as represented among disciplined boys as they were among enrolled boys, respectively”
    2. “A similar trend persisted among female students. For instance, Black girls averaged 16.4% of the total female population, but 51.7% of the disciplined female population (Figure 5). Moreover, Asian and White girls, like their male peers, averaged ratios of representation among disciplined versus enrolled female populations far lower than any other racial group – 0.15 and 0.54, respectively.”
  4. Additional Articles:
  5. Citations

Price, Joshua. “The Effect of Instructor Race and Gender on Student Persistence in STEM Fields.” Economics of Education Review, vol. 29, no. 6, Elsevier BV, 2010, pp. 901–10, doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2010.07.009.

Hines-Datiri, Dorothy, and Dorinda J. Carter Andrews. “The Effects of Zero Tolerance Policies on Black Girls: Using Critical Race Feminism and Figured Worlds to Examine School Discipline.” Urban Education (Beverly Hills, Calif.), vol. 55, no. 10, SAGE Publications, Dec. 2020, pp. 1419–40, doi:10.1177/0042085917690204.

Wright, Robin. “Race Matters…And So Does Gender” June 2016


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