Informal Blog Posting: Presentation Day 3 Reaction

In regards to the presentations given Dr. Hanna Belay and Dr. Khadija Ali, I thought the presentations were extremely interesting and thorough. I was interested to hear the way COVID affected many people of color, and how effects of the disease continued even after the person no longer had the virus. It was also interesting to hear how people of color were disproportionately affected by the virus.

Informal Blog Post: Presentation Day 2 (Education)

I really enjoyed Professor Heck’s presentation today.  I thought she gave a lot of very good insight on the struggles around equity and diversity in the classroom, as well as the struggles a lot of teachers today are facing. My mom is special education teacher who graduated here at SCSU so hearing everything Professor Heck said, especially about COVID and rising stress levels, rang true. I think in regards to my own research paper it reinstates my point about education being important in overcoming adversity.