Hopes for Digital Rhetoric and Pedagogy

As I mentioned in my group introduction, I am not particularly well-versed in teaching with technology. As a reminder, I have taught middle school Language Arts in Arizona with no special technological aid, English to children in China with the support of a smart board, and my EAP courses at St. Cloud State with the support of D2L. I’d be happy to perfect my use of those technologies alone, and to become a more engaging user of PowerPoint, but there is much more to be learned about technology in today’s classroom than just that. I’m hoping also to meet my students more where they are at. They engage with so many forms of technology simply by using their smartphones every day, and then walk into a classroom where that interaction is mostly gone; I hope to change that, and engage them more because of it. Technology is so immediate, and allows for multi-directional communication, not only a teacher-down model. I hope that teaching with technology will open class up to be more of a creative discussion than simply a tired lecture on information that the students could have read on their own. Becoming aware of the options available to me, and expanding my repertoire of tricks will allow me to design a classroom that is balanced rather than flashy (or dry), and hopefully allow students to access information on their own to address the problems we encounter.

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