Seamless Integration

As I begin thinking about my philosophy for using technology in my classroom, one idea sticks out in my mind: that technology should be of actual use. If I’m using Kahoot! a couple times a semester, or sporadically using D2L discussions or some sort of blog in order to say “Sure, I use technology in my classroom!, ” then maybe I should just stick to my pencils and paper. So, I thought I should go on a little hunt for ideas on how real integration works in the classroom. I came across What is Successful Technology Integration? on Edutopia. The article begins with listing a few characteristics of technology integration that put words to some of the feelings I was having about how I’d like technology and integration in my classroom look: “routine,” “accessible,” “readily available,” and “seamless.” These characteristics are important, I think. But one other characteristic that stays in my mind is “purposeful.” I don’t want “routine” to mean gratuitous, I don’t want “readily available” to mean superfluous. “Seamless” is my favorite out of the bunch. Whether I’m using more traditional approaches to learning, or or newer, technologically based approaches, my students and I should be able to move in and out of each without the blink of an eye.

The article also offers examples of successful tech integration, types of integration, and frameworks for integration. And, I haven’t read it yet, but the article also links to The Gamification of Education, and I’m looking forward to reading how this will be looked at as a positive development.