Written by: Pa Zong Moua
“No, I don’t have the money. No, it’s not time yet.” All I heard was excuses I made for myself to stay where I am comfortable. I knew that graduation is around the corner and a long-term study abroad experience had been on my mind since the first year I entered Saint Cloud State University.
I chose South Korea because of the budget that I have. I have two other siblings that are also studying at SCSU, in total 4 kids in the family that are still depending on my parents’ help. My parents are by no means rich, they are minimum wage workers. They made it clear that I would need to save up for myself. South Korea was the final choice because of the Global Village Program. I get to study in a different country, mentor students learning English, receive a stipend and a free room. How sweet and awesome is that!

With this program, I get assigned to a certain number of Korean students and get to spend time with them every week. We teach each other the differences and similarities between Korean and American cultures and languages. I learn as many things or even more from them as they learn from me. I’ve traveled to many places and done many actives with most of my Korean students that I was assigned to. In this program, an American student would get to live in a dorm with two Korean students. I only lived with one Korean student but I didn’t let it discourage me from learning the culture and having a good time here. With the amount of time we spent together we established some strong connections with each other. I’ve gained not only the international experience, but I’ve also gained some American and international friends and to some, sisters and brothers.
Tips on how I saved up for this trip:
- Take on every opportunity to work!
During the school year before going abroad, I focused on my school work and worked on campus as a University Ambassador and a teacher aid at the Lindgren Child Care Center. As a student worker, I earned minimum wage, but I didn’t mind the pay because I loved my jobs and loved representing Saint Cloud State University.
During school breaks, students go back home and reunite with friends and families, but for me, I took the opportunity to work even if it’s as a factory worker. It falls on the lower end of work that not everyone would want, but it gives me a higher pay and more hours so I can save! Sometimes I would even work overtime just so I can save!
- Funding Campaign- GoFundME.com
If you ever think that you’re alone in a study abroad program, you’re not! Some families and friends are always there to support. A few weeks before my I left, I created a GoFundMe campaign and many people showed their support by sharing, cheering me on and donating.
- Tax Returns
As a broke college student when getting tax returns, it made me excited. I want to use that money on things that I’ve been wanting, but I decided to save that money towards the study abroad.
- Learn to decrease activities that will cost money
When friends invited me to go somewhere that will cost money, I’d turn down the invitation. It was difficult for me at first, but I got used to it and so did my friends.
Coming to study abroad has made me happier and has made me challenge myself to do things that I would not have normally done if I was home. As my time is almost done the flags that once felt foreign to me now echo in my head every time I say “home.” It’s now a part of me. All the strangers that I once was shy to have become good friends, best friends, sisters, and brothers which will make it even harder to say, “goodbye” or “see you again”. South Korea has been an exciting and mind opening experience for me and although my time here was short, I loved every second of it. All the places I’ve traveled to hold a special part in my heart. Everything that I’ve learned and gained will forever be with me and the places that were just a popular tourist place is now also a place I call home. The strangers that I’ve learned to connect with have become a part of my special family! This was an amazing experience that I will not forget. I look forward to learning and connecting with people from all around the world.