By: Jack Newman
Why should you use landmarks?
Whether you plan to travel on foot or by car, using landmarks is a great way to not get lost. When I traveled around England and Scotland I mostly walked to my destinations. I did not have an international plan on my phone so I tried to use my data wisely as it was quite expensive to turn on. I was able to make my way around by using landmarks around the city. These can be both large and small structures – the key is to find something that helps you remember your path. I use large structures to get a sense of where I am in the city or town.

For example: Edinburgh Castle. In Edinburgh, it is very easy to see Edinburgh Castle from wherever you are. Just look up! You should see the castle in the city center. From there, I could roughly see where I was in the city. In the case of Edinburgh, the train station is very close to the castle so following it will lead you to transportation.
I use smaller landmarks like unique shops, murals, really anything that you can remember. Smaller landmarks are great for getting your way back to your accommodation (hotel, hostel, Airbnb, etc.). While going to your destination, make mental notes of your surroundings and then on your way back look for those notes. Even when you are off track you can stumble upon a landmark and know how to get back. Although if you are really lost, there is no shame in pulling out the GPS to get you where you need to go or to call a cab.

One thing I really enjoy about using landmarks is that you get to see things you normally would not see about where you are and it gives you a much more in-depth experience.
About the Author: Jack is a Global Mentor in the Education Abroad office at St. Cloud State University. He studied abroad to St. Cloud State at Alnwick during the Spring 2020 semester.