Campus Safety Updates 8/6/2021

The Bring Huskies Home Team continues to monitor COVID-19 conditions and the escalating rate of infections of the Delta variant. Our goal is to protect the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff while our students as they continue to progress towards their educational goals. Data provided by the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is showing that our county has a substantial transmission rate of COVID-19. MDH is recommending that indoor masking should be required for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status.

Beginning Thursday, August 5, all individuals on campus will be required to wear a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status. This includes St. Cloud State at Plymouth. Masking will continue until further notice. 

What if I’m already vaccinated? Why do I need to mask up?  
Thank you for getting vaccinated. Research tells us that the COVID-19 vaccination is effective for significantly slowing the spread and most mutations of the virus. Even when exposed to the Delta variant, fully vaccinated people are less likely to become infected, and if a vaccinated person gets infected, the illness will likely be mild. The vaccine also greatly reduces the chance of hospitalization and death.

With the Delta variant, however, fully vaccinated people may be able to pass the virus to others. People who are not vaccinated are at a higher risk of getting COVID, getting sick, and being hospitalized  As we mask up during times of high or substantial transmission in our area, we are protecting others around us, including those who are immunocompromised and those who are unvaccinated. We will continue to help the members of our community to receive more information and access to COVID-19 vaccines.

How are the decisions related to masking made? 
The Bring Huskies Home Team monitors the county level transmission rates daily as they are often updated and fluctuate. As we review the data, the occurrence of four consecutive days  of transmission rate (either increasing or decreasing) will trigger masking protocol (either on or off). On a weekly basis, our campus masking status will be communicated with Star Alert notifications, and messages via emails, digital signs, campus signs and the University website. Please continue to carry a mask with you at all times.

This all seems so familiar. Will this year be just like last year? 
Our current situation is not the same as the start of the pandemic and before the administration of vaccinations. There will be no significant change in Fall 2021 operations. This includes no changes to space capacity limits and physical distancing. We are asking everyone to stay a Husky apart (approx. 3 feet) in common areas. There are no planned changes to classroom seating, or course modality (e.g., in person, hybrid, or online) and events. Our strategy is focused on ensuring safety and following CDC and MDH guidance, while operating in an academic year that is very different than the one we faced last year.

The Bring Huskies Home Team thanks you for your patience, resilience and resolve to protect ourselves and each other. In doing our part we will increase the likelihood of providing a safe campus community and a Full Husky Experience for our students. As we continue to monitor data and guidelines, the campus community will be alerted of changing conditions.

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