Culture Shock

Culture shock is a phenomenon many people experience when they travel abroad, whether for vacation, school, business, or a permanent move. It is the result of being in an unfamiliar culture. International students in the US might experience culture shock while adapting to American culture. Even students studying outside the US in one of our education abroad programs can experience it too. Culture shock can bring feelings of confusion, anxiety, homesickness, and sometimes fear. It can be very intense, particularly at the beginning of your stay. However, each individual experiences culture shock differently.

In general, cultural shock has 4 different stages. Individuals may go through the stages in order, skip stages, or even repeat some. The length of each stage is also unique to each person. Therefore, it’s important to identify what stage you might be experiencing. During the first stage, the honeymoon stage, you are thrilled and feel positive about being in this new environment.  As time goes on, this feeling of happiness and excitement wears off, leading to the frustration stage. In this stage, you become increasingly frustrated about the different ways things are done in the host country compared to your home country. At this point, you may question if coming to this new place was actually a good idea. This stage is usually the most difficult to overcome in the culture shock cycle.

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Making it Work

Written by: Pa Zong Moua

“No, I don’t have the money. No, it’s not time yet.” All I heard was excuses I made for myself to stay where I am comfortable.  I knew that graduation is around the corner and a long-term study abroad experience had been on my mind since the first year I entered Saint Cloud State University.

I chose South Korea because of the budget that I have. I have two other siblings that are also studying at SCSU, in total 4 kids in the family that are still depending on my parents’ help. My parents are by no means rich, they are minimum wage workers. They made it clear that I would need to save up for myself. South Korea was the final choice because of the Global Village Program. I get to study in a different country, mentor students learning English, receive a stipend and a free room. How sweet and awesome is that!


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Explore and Live Life


By: Christina Eng

I attended the Laos Thailand and Malaysia study abroad program during the winter break of 2019. After hearing so many amazing stories from close friends at SCSU, I knew that I had to go. I was in my senior year. “Better late than never,” as quoted by Geoffrey Chaucer. We were there for almost three weeks, visiting all three countries from the busy Thailand city of Bangkok to the nice, relaxing streets of Vientiane, Laos.

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