
By Jacob Hurajt


Across the world, over the waves,

Right next door, or very far away,

People are living life, like you or me.

They simply live life a bit differently.

Some live in castles, ornate and old.

Some live where its hot, some where its cold.

Some move around from year to year,

Others stay put to build their career.


Everyone, everywhere, is totally unique.

So why do some feel the need to critique

The lifestyle of those they know nothing about?

They stare and pry and laugh and shout

“Look, they’re different, oh what shame!”

As though all of them were exactly the same.

Humans are humans, that’s all that matters,

So everyone should simply mind their manners.


But the things some people do to those ‘others’,

They would never do to mothers or brothers.

And our families are the same as them,

When seen through the eyes of those we condemn.

So why treat anyone any differently?

Treat them the way you would want to be,

And then, just maybe, if we’re lucky,

The world will become a little more lovely.