What is Charting the Future (CTF)?
My very quick summary is that Charting the Future seeks to get MNSCU to collaborate more, assure affordability, and provide new educational merit offerings. MPR has some good coverage and I encourage listening to their report below.
Full Article: MnSCU wants Dramatic Increase in Campus Cooperation, Consistency
LISTEN MnSCU wants better campus cooperation
Nov. 20, 2013
CTF Recommendations (Link): (emphasis is my own)
- Dramatically increase the success of all learners, especially those in diverse populations
traditionally underserved by higher education. - Develop a collaborative and coordinated academic planning process
that advances affordability, transferability, and access to our programs and services across the state. - Certify student competencies and capabilities, expand pathways to accelerate degree completion
through credit for prior learning, and foster the award of competency-based credit and degrees. - Expand the innovative use of technology
to deliver high quality online courses, strengthen classroom instruction and student services, and provide more individualized learning and advising. - Work together under new models to be the preferred provider of comprehensive workplace solutions through programs and services that build employee skills
and solve real-world problems
for communities and businesses across the state. - Redesign our financial and administrative models to reward collaboration, drive efficiencies, and strengthen our ability to provide access
to an extraordinary education for all Minnesotans.
Implementation Teams Launched Spring 2014:
Implementation Teams Launched Fall 2014:
- Academic Planning and Collaboration
- Competency Certification and Credit for Prior Learning
- Education Technology
- Information Technology Systems Design
Gallery Walks
The Charting the Future group will be holding Gallery Walks. The Gallery Walks are poster board sessions being held all over the state in order to share the work that has been done and to collect feedback. The teams have started in the spring will hold their Gallery Walks between October 16 and November 21. The fall teams will hold their Gallery Walks sometime around March. Read more here.
Get involved:
- Send your ideas, question, concerns and stories: MyIdeas@so.mnscu.edu
- Attend a Gallery Walk on Campus: Gallery Walk Schedule Fall 2014
- Submit your comments: Quick Form
Charting the Future MNSCU Site
Charting the Future FAQ
Charting the Future Blog
Charting the Future Full Document (PDF)
Minnesota State University Student Association – Charting the Future
Minnesota State University Student Association Blog – #MNSCU Charting the Future
Minnesota State College Student Association – Charting the Future