Chelsea Bauman
LIB 290
January 26th, 2017
Hundreds and thousands of people from around the globe have struggled with health in many shapes and forms, however, obesity seems to be a serious rising problem. “From 1980 to now, the rate of obesity has more than doubled,” (World Health Organization). At that rate, it makes one wonder what the statistics will say in ten years from now. Not only does this impact the older generations, but obesity is also a leading factor in children. According to the World Health Organization, “In 2014, an estimated 41 million children under the age of 5 years were overweight or obese.” Let me repeat that, 41 million, under the age of 5, are struggling with obesity. Most people overlook this problem as “not a big deal,” however, the mindset of individuals is drastically changing in today’s society. Processed food and fast food is accommodating the needs of individuals in a timely manner, which results in the increase of obesity. Also, when comparing how active people are on a daily basis to how often they spend their time watching TV, or looking at social media, one can make the inference that this ratio can alter one’s BMI and weight. In conclusion, obesity is a rising problem across the world that is only getting worse as time goes on.
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