Reading Reflection #1: Critical Thinking

Asking the Right Questions

1. A critical thinker is always asking questions. They have an inquisitive attitude about the World, but always a cynical one. In order to critically think properly, you need to be asking the questions and then seeking out more information to determine if your opinion is based on knowing every side to things.

2. Strong sense critical thinking is arguing in a way that you are open to adjusting your own opinion if the other brings up new information. Weak sense critical thinking is arguing only to defend your opinion that you already believe is 100% right. It is had to have our own ideologies up for criticism. However, you can use that criticism to help rethink your opinion and whether you believe it needs adjusting.

3. An argument is another way of saying that we will be constructively criticizing other classmates’ opinions as they will for us. Then all of us can readjust our opinions based on the feedback we received. This is different from arguing with parents in which it is fueled by anger and defensiveness.

4. Finding the “right answer” is so hard, most likely because there are so many different answers where there can’t be one that trumps the rest. There will always be new ideas and opinions that seem better than the last.


Why Questioning?

1. I think this chapter has to relate to everyone’s life. A majority of people who read this chapter are most likely guilty of not asking questions as often after they began to grow up. Asking questions has, more often than not, lead me to an answer. For example, in class, it sometimes feels embarrassing to ask the professor a question, but when you do, you then get to understand the answer.

2. Children stop asking questions as often because knowledge seems to be power in our society. If you always sound vulnerable, or like you don’t understand something, you put yourself up for criticism. If you ask a question in class, everyone then knows that you don’t understand the content. It all is societal pressure. Some people do not stop asking questions, though, because they let their curiosity grow stronger than their worry of fitting in.

3. As a college student, asking questions is crucial. You need to be able to fully understand the content, because at this level, it will move on before you understand. This is when I have learned that I need to let my inquisitive side shine through in order to get the education I need. Being in the medical field in the future will mean I will never stop asking questions. We don’t know even close to everything there is to know about the human body. Research is always taking place and I will have to continue to ask questions in order to properly diagnose patients, as well as understand different injuries and diseases better.

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