Reading Reflection #10: Overcoming Obstacles to Critical Thinking

Summarize your understanding of dichotomous (also called black and white) thinking. Provide an example of a well-known social issue in which this type of thinking is often used.

Dichotomous thinking is when you approach a question only seeing two clear answers to it (i.e. yes or no). When you approach a question this way, you are neglecting a number of altering possibilities by categorizing them into a yes or no mindset. One example of a current social issue that often uses dichotomous thinking is that of quarantining. Many people I talk to see it as two options: it is safer to stay inside for the good of everyone or everything should open for the good of small business. However, both sides neglect to see how a combination of these two is also a possibility. This is the reason protests are ensuing and people either fully support, or do not support the movement.

According to ARQ, what are some dangers of dichotomous thinking? How does “grey thinking” and using “if-clauses” enable you to find the best possible solution to an issue or problem?

Dichotomous thinkers often limit their own possibilities. Usually yes or no thinkers will not take into account all of the context of the issue at hand. Grey thinking and if-clauses have the ability to compare an extensive list of pros and cons. It reveals the “bad” in the “good” and the “good” in the “bad”. If-clauses allow for us to assume we do not know for certain the outcome of decisions. This makes us look at the situation objectively instead of applying our own personal beliefs.


Self Reflection

Based on the readings, discussions, and assignments you’ve completed for HONS 250, describe how your thinking has changed since the beginning of the semester.

I was always one to defend my position endlessly. However, after this semester, I understand that it is very beneficial to look at a question with multiple scopes. It can reveal different conclusions that make more sense. Besides that, I also learned how to look at research. I always assumed if there was research from a reputable source, then it was something to be trusted. However, I now understand that there is a lot more that goes into credibility than a recognizable author.

What have you learned about yourself as a result of taking HONS 250?

I have learned a lot more about my own values. It started with the value assessment survey where we identified them. i then slowly applied these to my learning in all classes and learned a lot more about myself that way. For example, many of my values right now are future focused and work-driven. I’m interested to see how they will differ when I have a family in the future.

What are some ways you will continue practicing your critical thinking skills beyond this semester?

Being a biomedical science major, I am always reading research articles. When I see long words I don’t know and a reputable journal, I would normally just assume whatever they say is true. However, I now know that I need to use a critical eye to understand the true credibility of the source no matter what. On the other hand, I also know now if I publish a research article, then I need to establish credible evidence in order to make a truly trustworthy study.

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