a comparison of tools


Please have a chart to compare coursecapture tools. Need more information and / or help with selecting the right tool for you course? Contact us

Comparison of Screenshot Recording Tools
Timelimit Capture Type Ability to capture both video and screen Ability to pause during recording Ability to edit/add annotations
Screencastify 10 minutes; 50 videos/month gtab, desktop, video y y
Screencast-o-matic 15 min desktop and any application y y
Nimbus n tab and desktop n y
Soapbox n desktop and webcam y n
Loom 10 min; unlimited after 1 referral desktop, tab, camera y y
share your tool

notes from the second meeting

Please have an Adobe Connect recording of today’s session:


Here is a Doodle Link to log your availability for our next meeting in January 2017:
Meanwhile, please consider this blog to log your issues, questions, requests, and suggestions:

and the handouts and directions under “Resources”:



MediaSpace (AKA Kaltura)

MediaSpace is a video creation platform with limited editing capabilities. You can use it to record screen activities. Here is a link to the SCSU’s website

MediaSpace (https://scsu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/)

If you have active STAR ID account, you are able to login into the SCSU as well as into the MnSCU MediaSpace account:

For the use of MediaSpace in your coursework and syllabi, please contact InforMedia Services (IMS) http://blog.stcloudstate.edu/ims/instruction-request/

Support: For technical issues with accessing MediaSpace or account for MediaSpace, please contact Greg Jorgensen (gsjorgensen@stcloudstate.edu)

for more information on MediaSpace, please go to:
and under “Resources” in this blog: