a comparison of tools


Please have a chart to compare coursecapture tools. Need more information and / or help with selecting the right tool for you course? Contact us

Comparison of Screenshot Recording Tools
Timelimit Capture Type Ability to capture both video and screen Ability to pause during recording Ability to edit/add annotations
Screencastify 10 minutes; 50 videos/month gtab, desktop, video y y
Screencast-o-matic 15 min desktop and any application y y
Nimbus n tab and desktop n y
Soapbox n desktop and webcam y n
Loom 10 min; unlimited after 1 referral desktop, tab, camera y y
share your tool

Screen capture – Firefox plug in – qSnap

Screen capture tools allows you to take screenshots, make annotations and share it. Here is a demo of one of such tool that is available for firefox browser.

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/qsnap/ (open ware).

Click the image below to get a glimpse of its use (there is no audio).


I have created the animated GIF file using LICEcap (http://www.cockos.com/licecap/, openware) and increased the speed of GIF file (150%) using the free online services (http://ezgif.com/).


