
The schedule for the event is listed below, links have been not been provided since it is going to take place online through Microsoft Teams.

Time Activity Link
8:00 AM Kick-off! Microsoft Teams Meeting
8:15 AM General Introduction
8:30 AM Create-a-thon Begins!
10:00 AM Presentation Tips (Barry Kirchoff) Microsoft Teams Meeting
11:00 AM Mini-Challenge (Selfie Post Challenge) Microsoft Teams
12:00 PM Don’t forget eat lunch!
2:00 PM Soft-pitch Opportunity
3:00 PM Mini-Challenge (Create-a-thon Kahoot Trivia) ~15 minutes Microsoft Teams Meeting &
5:00 PM Create-a-thon Ends! (Submit your recording to demonstrate your prototype)! How-To Article
6:00 PM Submission Viewing & Judging Microsoft Teams Meeting
7:30 PM Prize Distribution & Thank You!  🤗
8:00 PM Wrap-up