In response to Shawn Williams, I observed that there is much being done in the teaching of new peace officers about bias in the field and in the workplace. I like the fact that it is not tolerated at any rate. In response to Smith’s question, “what makes a community safe?” I would like to answer that justice creates a safe community. Actions have consequences whether its a law broken or a name called, the policing and teaching of such events helps a community to be in harmony, and if someone interrupts that harmony, the police along with other members of the society quiets the belligerent so that the community can go on in the rhythm and rhyme that was before the interruption. Another thing that helps a community be safe is the community itself doing there part in creating a safe space for everyone. In this pandemic, I have observed the goodness of people, and the willingness of people to do what it takes not only to keep others safe but also in created ways of getting people involved. In the midst of social distancing we have found ways to socialize safely. Other things that keep a community safe is showing love and compassion everywhere you go. You have no idea the horrible day someone could be having and how just saying hello could brighten their day. Which brings me to Dr. Moriaty, I love how at the beginning she spoke of the politically correct way to refer to persons’ who struggle with homelessness and not only homelessness but also mental illness and other unfortunate events/crisis that people face. You never know how or why a person is in the position they are in or why they are the way they are. I know that the ways in which I was homeless and the reasons why are bigger than me just being a failure at life. It had to do with the support I had, my mental health at the time, my addiction, my religion, my perceptions, and the world around me with all its influences that I somehow couldn’t fight at the time, housing situations. It was much more than ‘go get a job.’ Same with my mental health problem, I didn’t choose this for myself and the same is true for many others, if not all others. I can connect a lot of the social workers’ perspective to my topic more so than with the criminal justice aspect. The fact that social work works so closely with mental health could provide me with some of the knowledge I need to back some of my reasons.
Work Cited: Williams, Shawn and Sheila Moriarty. “In Class Presentations.” Examining Today’s Social Issues, English 191, 5 nov. 2020, Zoom Conference