Presentation 11/10/20

Theresa Heck, Professor of Kinesiology, School of Education, at St. Cloud State Universty stated, “change is glacial, its an ongoing process.” What she was referring to is the ever changing diversity in schools and how schools and their teachers are implementing change in terms of welcoming minorities into the fold. A government claims that we are all equal but Heck refers to equality as “unfair,” “Equal is like a race in that we all start in the same place but,” its not fair in terms of black and white, or disability and non-disability. Or in the example Heck demonstrates for us, a monkey and a fish trying to climb a tree, the monkey would obviously get the banana before the fish would.

Theresa Heck had a lot of knowledge on the climate of schools and how to teach in them. I suppose she has to because she teaches teachers. I don’t know how I would implement her presentation into my topic, they are seemingly unrelated but if I was writing about diverse climates in the classroom and the social injustices that go with them I would have many things to implement. She had a lot of information and she moved quite quickly through it all. I wanted to watch part of it again but I didn’t see a link for the recording. Anyways, thank you for having Prof. Heck present for us and I look forward to hearing the other presenters.

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