Multiple Source Essay

The topic I will be covering is, ‘should health professionals be allowed to discredit a persons religious beliefs when dealing with mental health.’ The reason I am interested in this topic is because I have faced mental health issues for a long time and in my belief the issues come from a spiritual basis rather than a mental one. The things I deal with on a daily basis are voices condemning me and my past actions/sins. Voices that continually are against God even though I am for him. Voices that want me to sin against God and that become worse when I go to church or kneel to pray. I can hear these voices as clear as someone physically talking to me. These voices have lead me to hate God for not taking them away and with no hope I have wanted to die and never wake up. As such, I have sought the help of mental health professionals who reject such ideas as to a God and demons and Satan. Because of this when I talk to these therapists and psychologists they tell me these voices stem from my own thoughts. They stem from my past experiences and they are not real. When they say these things I feel they are insulting me. I feel they are telling me to reject my faith in the bible and what it says. Jesus talks of demon possession, that evil spirits can get into a human being and make them think, feel, and act in ways otherwise they wouldn’t. He says that satan tempts people to worry, and blame God, and to doubt God, how would he do this unless he were in you tempting you, thinking inside of you to do against God exactly like these voices I hear do? How can a therapist tell me that these things are not real when none of there treatments work in pacifying the “spirits” I hear. How can these mental health professionals tell me that what the bible says is wrong? How can they tell me that God isn’t real along with the other spirits that come with believing in him? I have rejected God to trust in medication that don’t work. I have tried to open my mind to maybe these things are just in my head and are a product of my past and my imagination run amuk. Also, an example of something these therapists say to me is that because I am so ashamed of my past sins, that is the reason these voices tell me that I’m condemned. This is when I believe within myself that I am not condemned, I believe that Jesus died for me and saved me from condemnation so how at the same time could I be telling myself that I am condemned, like these voices are my own voice?

What I would like to do is get the viewpoint of religion from various healthcare professionals. Learn why they prefer alternative treatments to spirituality. Learn why they tell me my belief in the bible is wrong. I also want to get the perspective of others that believe in religion rather than mental health practices. I would like to come at this article I am going to write from an outside view and leave much of my experience out of the picture. My argument is against the implicit bias of health professionals toward Christians and their beliefs.


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