Reading Reflection #7: Free Write on Individual Topic

The topic in which I am interested is psychology and how the field treats people who are more ‘in tune’ to spirituality than they are. An example of my topic is some people deal with voices that are condescending and always reminding you of your sins. Some would call the voice Satan, and some would call it paranoid schizophrenia. The bible teaches that the enemy will tempt you to worry, tempt you to doubt God, tempt you to even curse God. So in my mind, It goes to say that the devil can put thoughts in your head, make you feel certain ways, and talk to you in your mind. The secular world of psychology teaches that we are alone in the physical world. There are no demons to sway your mind so everything in your mind must be a product of your own thoughts, for example, your past, people have told you you’re worthless and so you go over it and over it in your mind and it develops a voice, or you have done some bad things in your life and because you know these things to be bad then your shame has manifested within your brain as a person. Two very different doctrines that contradict one another and can be more damaging then if you wouldn’t have stepped within a hospital to begin with.

There is scripture that talks of demons possessing you. So are demons possessing you or do you have a mental illness needing medication and therapy. There is an obvious dilemma here, if what the bible says is real than no amount of medication or therapy is going to stop you from being possessed and hearing voices because the doctor doesn’t even believe in this stuff, so talking to one puts you in a weird position. You tell the doctor your beliefs and he tells you that all your beliefs are wrong, pretty much insulting your faith. But you just tried to kill yourself so you have to talk to a doctor as a safety precaution and the law makes it happen.

I want to research biblical articles on the subject and research into why doctors actively speak against some of the religious beliefs that people have even though the symptoms remain after psychological treatment of the “diagnosis”

In a book of the Bible called Job, the devil goes up to heaven and asks God to test one of Gods faithful servants, saying to God, of course Job won’t sin against you, you have a hedge of protection on him and he has pretty much anything a man could want, take the hedge down and let me tempt him and surely he will curse you. So God gives the devil permission to hurt Job saying, Job loves me, even if you take everything he has, he will not curse me, so the devil kills Jobs family, takes his health, and gets in the minds of his friends to tell Job, “God has abandoned you.” Job does not curse God. But me, I have cursed God, I have seen enough of Satan to wish I was dead (I don’t want this now but I say this to bring in the psychology aspect). That being said I went to the hospital where psychologists tell me I’m delusional and that the voices aren’t real. The voices are a figment of my imagination run wild. I believe this a social injustice.

Some biases I have are against psychologists and how they handle these situations which in my mind are a waste of time. My anger that they’re treatments have not worked might affect my language toward them.