- I think that IBé’s experience was terrible and no man of any race in any country should get ridiculed and harassed. It’s terrible he had to encounter the the awful racism and harassment he had to go through. I do not have any personal connections to him snd his story that I can relate to.
- I think IBé is trying to say Americans have given them the stereotypical category “black” and he is talking about all the racial profiling and its angering and can drive people insane.
- In my high school there was a transgender student in the bathroom and someone he was using a urinal and someone asked him to move over one urinal. That might be considered micro-assault but it could have been micro-aggression, he did move over one and I felt bad for him and I didn’t like the comment. Other than this incident I can’t think of any other examples.
- I think it is critical to a students success to feel like they belong. It would help them reach out for help if they needed it and get help from their peers.’
- My high school was not very diverse. There were few people of color who I knew as friends and in a sociology class that I took, one of our topics was race and what it means to be white in America and how much of a boost race gives people in America. I think that it is wrong to judge people based off color of skin.
- I do think that conversations about race should be talked about because if its not talked about there will never be change.