Reading Reflection #6: Logical Fallacies

  1. One common fallacy that I have seen being used is ad hominem reasoning. I have seen it used in sports against players and with referees.
  2. I have used ad hominem without knowing it. Although the only reason I did it was too upset him and they stopped the argument right then and there because of their frustration.
  3. Slippery slope and narritive.
  4. Ad Hominem.
  5. The passage about fraternity parties could have been better by 1. Used facts to support his claims. 2. stopped blaiming and insulting others like the “overreactions” to the fights and sexual assualts. 3. Stopped using self serving bias claims.

Reading Reflection #3: Issues, Conclusions, and Reasons


Descriptive: Talks about how the world is.

Prescriptive: Talks about how the world ought to be.


“What is the writer or speaker trying to prove?”

“What is the communicators main point?”


They describe an argument as a number of reasons to support a conclusion. Some characteristics may include arguments having intent on convincing us.


Ask yourself why does the conclusion make sense?


a. Issue is that everybody overestimates how much they know and the article talks about how intellectual humility can make    people better.

b. Authors conclusion is about using what we hear to make our interactions more civil, more meaningful, and more productive.

c. Author wants us to believe this and he uses stats and gives us sources to prove to us that it would work.

Reading Reflection #2: Implicit Bias and Race

  1. I think that IBé’s experience was terrible and no man of any race in any country should get ridiculed and harassed. It’s terrible he had to encounter the the awful racism and harassment he had to go through. I do not have any personal connections to him snd his story that I can relate to.
  2. I think IBé is trying to say Americans have given them the stereotypical category “black” and he is talking about all the racial profiling and its angering and can drive people insane.


  1. In my high school there was a transgender student in the bathroom and someone he was using a urinal and someone asked him to move over one urinal. That might be considered micro-assault but it could have been micro-aggression, he did move over one and I felt bad for him and I didn’t like the comment. Other than this incident I can’t think of any other examples.
  2. I think it is critical to a students success to feel like they belong. It would help them reach out for help if they needed it and get help from their peers.’


  1. My high school was not very diverse. There were few people of color who I knew as friends and in a sociology class that I took, one of our topics was race and what it means to be white in America and how much of a boost race gives people in America. I think that it is wrong to judge people based off color of skin.
  2. I do think that conversations about race should be talked about because if its not talked about there will never be change.

Reading Reflection #1: Critical Thinking

  1. A few characteristics and values that a critical thinker may have will include many different aspects of a certain point someone is trying to present to them. Critical thinkers often time take different views on certain topics and review and think about the different aspects of that topic.
  2. Weak sense is much different than strong sense critical thinking are much different. As their names imply, Strong sense critical thinkers are much more diverse among all topics where as they think of all points of view, they come fully prepared in an argument and use their opponents information and pin it against them. Weak sense critical thinkers still think and go deep but only in their opinion and can be bias. Strong sense is much more difficult because they have to understand that they can’t be opinionated and they have to see the larger picture to where what they believe could also be false.
  3. An argument in class would include a disagreement over a topic. The difference between an argument in class and an argument with a friend or family member would be that in class there would be different opinions and different aspects of the topic. Where as a friend there would only be two opinions which it would be harder to back down from because of bias opinions.
  4. I think it’s difficult to answer questions about human behavior because every person is different and the way they think isn’t exactly the same.



  1. In middle school I would often get confused and my mind could not wrap around math equations. I asked questions almost daily to understand and get a second explanation.
  2. I think children stop asking questions because they get a brief idea and its “good enough” then they become accustomed to the way it all works and they just keep their heads down and it becomes a cycle.
  3. Questions play a large role in succeeding in college so students understand what’s going on in their environment and stay up to date. Even in future careers questions play a big role for the exact same reason so you know how to do your job well and succeed.