Children’s Literature

I’m Your Neighbor

I’m Your Neighbor is a project that highlights the lives of New Arrivals and New Americans through the sharing of children’s literature.

By reading and engaging with children’s books, readers of all ages and backgrounds can experience immigration, resilient resettlement and adjustment, and cultural celebration. Fiction, from picture books to novels, allows readers to see themselves and others in a way that changes the culture of Belonging and Welcoming. sorts and features books by the culture represented allowing for schools, libraries, and organizations to best select and share books that represent their neighborhoods and the diversity of the nation. This site also offers lesson plans and event kits to facilitate engagement between neighbors.

Hind’s Hands is a simple story, which centers around the lives two Muslim children, Juwayriyah and Hind. The story is narrated by Juwayriyah, Hind’s older sister. Throughout the story, Juwayriyah documents her own journey of learning about her sister’s diagnosis and her eventual acceptance of Hind. The highlight of the story, as the title suggests is Hind’s hands. Juwayriyah discusses the many different functions of Hind’s Hands from communicating with others, since she cannot speak to making a mess, after Juwayriyah cleans up. After one such incident involving Hind making a mess, Umm Juwayriyah’s message to her daughter Juwayriyah is that she should be patient, pray and make du’aa (supplication). After taking her mom’s advice, Juwayriyah learns that Hind calms down, when her hands her rubbed together (an important inclusion for parents familiar with sensory issues in children with Autism). The story ends, with a reminder for older sisters and brothers to be strong role models for their younger siblings with Autism.

The American Dream Literacy Initiative

The American Library Association (ALA) and Dollar General Literacy Foundation offer annual grants to U.S. public libraries to expand services for adult English language learners or adults in need of basic education and workforce development. Grants of $10,000 each are awarded annually.

ALA Book, Print & Media Awards


BookBub is a free service that helps millions of readers discover books they’ll love while providing publishers and authors with a way to drive sales and find new fans. Upon joining, members receive unbeatable deals selected by our expert editorial team, handpicked recommendations from people they trust, and real-time updates from their favorite authors. BookBub works with all major ebook retailers and devices, and partners with thousands of the industry’s leading publishers and authors to promote their books. BookBub was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Amo a mi mama - I Love My Mom (Spanish English) cover

Publisher Description

Spanish English Bilingual children’s book. Perfect for kids learning English or Spanish as their second language.

Todo el mundo, sea cual sea su edad, quiere a su mamá. En este cuento para antes de dormir, el pequeño conejito Jimmy y sus hermanos mayores intentan encontrar el regalo perfecto para el cumpleaños de su mamá. Desean mostrarle cuánto la quieren.

Everybody loves their Mom, no matter what their age. In this bedtime story, the little bunny Jimmy and his older brothers try to find a perfect present for Mom’s birthday. They want to show how much they love her.


Kamala cover

Publisher Description

In this second volume of folktales, a Punjabi woman outwits seven ruthless thieves, an Incan girl restores harmony to the empire, and a mischievous Norwegian lass thwarts her entitled landowner. Spanning centuries and continents, Kamala recalls how the dazzling courage, cleverness, and power of women have always held our world together.