SOURCE: – @lawindsor
SOURCE: – @dallasnews
— JeremyNewberger (@jeremynewberger) November 21, 2020
Kruse’s tweet (and it’s replies) show the cost of publicly posting about voter suppression or about our history
Apparently my @MSNBCDaily piece on voter suppression in Georgia has found a couple fans in Oklahoma, who left me two voicemails on my work phone.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) November 21, 2020
An important primer on the historical realignment of the parties
Several people have retweeted this 2018 series of tweets from Kevin M. Kruse today. Kruse is an American historian. Here’s a link to his series of tweets, followed by a link to few postings of others who have retweeted Kruse’s series of two-year-old tweets recently.
Since @kanyewest's tweets have apparently made this topic unavoidable, some thoughts on the history of the parties' switch on civil rights.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) May 1, 2018
This long series of tweets on the history of party shifts on civil rights is well worth reading.
And here’s a link to the two people who reposted Kruse’s historical thread today.
The willful ignorance of people and the choice to ignore history you can actually read about baffles me.
— Bill Prady (@billprady) November 21, 2020
A powerful moment using ethos, pathos, & logos
Well said.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) November 7, 2020
The Hamilton cast’s second video about voting for Biden/Harris
Wear a Mask!
This video, a parody of Be Our Guest, popped up all over social media the other day. Enjoy!
Trump in Duluth on Wednesday night, rallying his base
New tone
— Jennifer Taub (@jentaub) October 1, 2020