8 Cheap Apps That’ll Make the Entire Job Search Process Easier
You’re all about maximizing your phone—and you’ve probably even used it to apply for jobs. And along the way, you’ve depended on apps like Evernote and Dropbox to stay organized and make the process easier. But those basic tools aren’t the only ones you can use to get ahead now.
Today’s job search requires some agility and adaptability. You want to navigate the process and respond to employers quickly and thoroughly from wherever you are. So, whatever the stage you’re in, these apps will help you out—plus they’re all under $5.
When You’re Looking for a Job
1. Check Your Writing With Ginger Page
If you’re not known for your spelling and grammar aptitude, Ginger app can make a small but significant difference in your writing. Whether you’re responding to a hiring manager who prefers email to calls or refining your social media updates, it’ll improve your communication.
Note: It’ll take over your OS keyboard, but I think it’s worth it. And yes, you can have emojis with Ginger’s keyboard (not all, but more than a few).
Available on: iOS and Google Play
2. Create Digital Business Cards With Inigo
Sure, you have a card with your company information—but that’s not the contact info you want to share if you’re looking to make a move. Inigo cards is an app with tools for you to quickly design your own cards. You can add your own artwork or use the template and graphics provided.
From there, you can send it via Bluetooth and even track how often the card is viewed. Plus, you can create multiple versions for the different facets of your talents or for your pursuit of various opportunities.
Available on: iOS and Google Play
3. Keep Your Social Profiles Updated With ReType -Typography Photo Editor
According to Jobvite’s 2015 Recruiter’s Nation survey, recruiters are more actively using social media. And you might as well stay in front of them. Having strong personal branding on your accounts is a great way to make yourself an attractive candidate before you even apply for a job.
ReType makes it easy for you to create graphics with quotes and share them to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. It includes great font choices and design elements—especially for a smartphone app.
Available on: iOS
When You’re Interviewing
4. Answer Questions With Interview Prep Questions
There is a free version and a 99-cent version to this app. The interface acts as an index card. One side has the question, and the other a perspective to consider while answering. Although it isn’t an exhaustive set of questions, it is a way to prepare on the go.
Everyone can benefit from additional practice, and this way you can get some reps in, regardless if there’s anyone around to quiz you.
Available on: iOS
5. Set a Personal Message With YouMail
Dump the voicemail on your phone and go with YouMail (the best value is $4.99 monthly). You can keep your voicemails for years, because it syncs with your phone and online portal. So, before that interview you can replay an old message from someone singing your praises to get pumped up.
But what makes it an invaluable job search tool is that you can customize a message for your favorite callers—like the hiring manager. Even without customization, it’ll pick up the caller’s name (“Hello, Marsha, Mark is not available right now”). This feature leaves a particularly impressive and professional mark.
Available on: iOS and Google Play
When You’ve Received an Offer
6. Complete Paperwork With HelloSign
So, you need to sign a W-4 or new employment agreement before close of business today. Even if you can’t reach your laptop, HelloSign allows you to sign and reply with the signature from your phone. There is a premium version, but the free version is enough for most job seekers.
You might also opt for DocuSign to sign documents. Either app will do the trick.
HelloSign available on: iOS and Google Play
DocuSign available on: iOS and Google Play
7. Scan Documents From Anywhere With Tiny Scanner
There are many scan apps to use, but Tiny Scanner is easy to use. When you take a picture of a document on your phone, the app produces a digital paper and prepares to send it back in an email to your future employer.
Available on: iOS and Google Play
8.Send Faxes With eFax (or Fax Burner)
Yes, there are still some companies that’ll fax communications to their clients and new hires. If you must communicate this way—and don’t want to drive to a Staples or FedEx Kinkos—both eFax and Fax Burner will allow some trial attempts free before you’re asked to purchase.
eFax available on: iOS and Google Play
Fax Burner available on: iOS and Google Play
These apps will free you from feeling like you have to wait until you get home, or use your current employer’s equipment (which could get dicey, especially if you haven’t given notice!). You can covertly conduct your search and keep it moving along—all you need is your phone. Download these now and you’ll be prepared to find your new great position.
Photo of person using phone courtesy of Shutterstock.

About The Author
Mark Anthony Dyson is “The Voice of Job Seekers!” He is a career consultant, job seeker advocate, career writer, and founder of the award-winning blog and podcast, “The Voice of Job Seekers.” He has been quoted in major publications such as on Monster, AOL Jobs, Fortune and Levo League. Both FlexJobs and JobMonkey listed his podcast as one of the top eight podcasts to help your job search.