My job, like so many others, has changed swiftly over the last month. Working from home is something I thought would happen in the future, especially in light of academic programs moving to an online delivery format. However, I didn’t think it would happen this quickly nor due to a pandemic.
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) began to develop, the campus communicated their plans for dealing with the situation. In early March, faculty were asked to convert their spring 2020 semester courses to online delivery. As the Higher Education Administration (HIED) program was already delivering courses 100% online, the conversion was minimal compared with the Educational Administration and Leadership (EDAD) doctoral program I support. While the EDAD doctoral program was moving towards a hybrid delivery format starting fall 2020, the expedited digital shift to student learning would pose some quick adjustments.
Campus Support
The campus had several resources to assist with the conversion including our information technology employees. While they could not handle this enormous influx of requests, triage support systems were put in place in each school so faculty could share their expertise to help others adapt to the new work arrangements. Courses were canceled for all students through March 29th to allow time to prepare for the change in delivery. During this time, the HIED faculty provided assistance to those needing help with moving courses to online delivery.
In the Center for Doctoral Studies office, a decision was made to have our graduate assistants work from home. Later, the campus would move to that format. Some of our students had already worked some hours from a distance which made this conversion easier. The office was definitely quiet without them. However, there was plenty of work in the office to ensure faculty, students, and graduate assistants had what they needed. While I was working in the office, the door was locked and there were directions for contacting us via email or phone. Faculty would stop by on occasion as they had a key to the office.
Change Acceptance
Everywhere I turned, events were being canceled. I had several suitcases packed prior to spring break for recruitment events coming up later that month. However, those were not needed due to cancellations. Every event provider was scrambling to make decisions on what to do for their event. Additional emails from those events provided regular updates about those decisions. As cancellations began, I waited for word if the event would get rescheduled or if we would receive a refund for our recruitment booth. Unfortunately, the HIED program would also cancel its Spring Leadership Institute, and St. Cloud State would postpone its commencement ceremonies.
On March 18th, the School of Education held a meeting with staff explaining that they wanted staff to begin working from home no later than March 23rd. Most staff were not equipped with a laptop to work at home and they needed to wait for a laptop or other equipment to be provided to do so. Fortunately, I already had a laptop and the equipment I needed to work from home. So my adventure working at home began on March 19th.
At home, I began to set up a workspace. This required me to clean and organize my sewing, crafting, and genealogy room. Thanks to Steven McCullar, last fall I had purchased a standing desk from Costco which I was using to cut quilt fabric. This desk was converted to my workspace allowing me to stand or sit throughout the workday. The first two weeks I waited for the campus to provide access to all programs I needed to operate. As a person who travels occasionally for professional development or to recruit students, I had been asking for these programs to be made available from a distance for quite some time. While the campus was working towards that, the pandemic expedited it.
Still, We Persist
This past month, I have been busy assisting HIED and EDAD with new student admission to the program. Interviews were set up with applicants and welcome letters were sent to newly admitted students. Thanks to our graduate assistants’ hard work, you are now seeing who our new students are in our blog and social media posts. We continue to admit students for fall 2020. In addition, our office has been working with hiring graduate assistants for FY21. For the first time, we will have 100% online doctoral graduate assistants in HIED who live out of state or outside the United States. HIED master’s graduate assistants will continue to work in the office as long as pandemic restrictions are lifted.
At home, my two Labrador retrievers adapted to me working from home. Gus stops by my new office regularly to beg for a treat, to ask to be pet, or to play with his ball.
He tries to get into many Zoom meetings. Toby typically goes about his normal routine, sleeping most of the day. Once in a while, he will make an appearance on Zoom. Both dogs enjoy lunchtime when I take them outside to play. It is nice to get outdoors and take them for a walk after work as well.
My husband continues to work outside the home as an essential employee. He is a building utilities mechanic at the Army Aviation Support Facility in St. Cloud. As you know, the military never shuts down. Flights continue to come in and go out every day from locations throughout the United States. Thus, his work area has stepped up cleaning efforts to prevent the spread of the virus. Plus, the building needs continual support for water, plumbing, and heating systems as well as mechanical and electrical equipment support that can’t be conducted at a distance.
Keeping Busy
Outside of work, I have been sewing face masks with ties. So far, I have made 100 handmade masks. With the shortage of elastic, I have made ties out of cotton fabric. While this design takes longer, I like it as it does not put pressure on your ears. My husband’s employer saw the masks I made for some of the guys and the military seamstress decided to make masks with that same design. Masks have been donated to CentraCare’s Gorecki Guest House and St. Cloud State. I have given them to faculty, students, family, and friends. In addition, I will be volunteering time to assist St. Cloud State with their efforts to make masks for students. I’ve also been busy sewing some quilts (Christmas gifts) that I typically work on during my annual March vacation in Wisconsin with my aunts. Unfortunately, that vacation got canceled due to the virus, but we were able to reschedule our retreat for September.
In addition, I have been working on my family history. I hope to reach 10,000 people in my tree soon. One side of my family tree goes back to the late 1600s in Germany. I haven’t had as much time to work on it as I would like. As the president of the St. Cloud Area Genealogists, I had to work with my board to convert our monthly membership meetings to an online format and reschedule our April Family History Conference to September. The online format has been a learning curve for my board and membership but has been great for our distant members and for connecting to members who go south for the winter. Our members are now requesting an online and in-person format in the future.
For Our Students
While neither our work nor our home lives may feel familiar or comfortable right now, please know that I am here to support and guide you during normal business hours. The best way to reach me is via email at If you need to meet remotely, we can set up a zoom meeting. Resources to assist you with the COVID-19 can be found at Program resources can be found in D2L Brightspace in courses called “HIED Student Guide” and “HIED Dissertation”. Links to forms are available through these courses. Just email me your forms and I will gather signatures and submit electronically to offices being employees are currently working remotely.
It has been an interesting month full of learning new things and adapting to a new way of thinking and working. I look forward to the days when I will be able to be back in the office and see everyone. Until then, I’ll be home, working, and helping to keep myself and my fellow Minnesotans safe.
Michele Braun-Heurung is the Center for Doctoral Studies Facilitator.
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Cesar Millan, known as the ‘Dog Whisperer’ on his Nat Geo
WILD show, said on Friday he understands why he is being investigated for animal cruelty but stands
by his training methods.
The 46-year-old dog trainer said he has used the same technique to help
aggressive canines hundreds of times amid a complaint over a Cesar 911
episode in which he uses a pig to train a French bulldog terrier mix.
The training involves getting the dog together with the animal it does not like – whether it
is another dog, a cat or a horse – so the two
can learn to get along.
Scroll down for video
Cesar Millan known on television as the ‘Dog Whisperer’ is
under investigation after a video surfaced
of a dog attacking a pig on his television show
This image shows Simon the dog running towards a pig
he later attacked during a training session with Millan. More than 11,000 have since signed an online petition calling for Millan to be kicked off the air
‘I do have a large group of fans and a small group of
people who don’t agree with me,’ Millan said in a telephone interview from Iowa with The Associated Press.
‘They are taking this the wrong way and blowing it way out of proportion.’
Millan said when he returns from his speaking tour,
he would cooperate fully with the investigation over the February 26 episode in which the
dog named Simon is seen chasing the pig and nipping its ear, causing it to bleed.
‘In America, animals have rights to a certain extent,’ Millan told People magazine on Friday
‘And when somebody complains about it, the law enforcement have to come and supervise.
They do it to everybody and they’re doing the right thing.’
Officials said investigators are asking for the names of everyone who
appeared on the episode in question and also want to see the pig,
according to the Los Angeles Times.
Aaron Reyes, deputy director for the L.A. County Department of Animal Care and Control, said context is important in investigating allegations, and noted ‘we don’t investigate people,
we investigate allegations.’
‘We know what we saw, and if you saw the entire video, then you know
what we know,’ Reyes said.
‘There’s no question that what happened, happened.
A dog under Cesar Millan’s control escaped and attacked another live animal, in this case a pot-bellied pig.’
‘The dog that was in question, that Cesar was attempting
to train, broke away from him in the video, and immediately
charged the pig,’ Reyes added.
‘Now, what we’re hearing from the [complaining party] is
that the biggest concern is someone had that pig, a male adult was holding
one of those pigs, those rear legs, and holding the pig up, which
made the pig squeal, which made the dog [go] into a frenzy.
‘And it immediately charged at that pig. And the
dog attacked,’ Reyes said.
Nat Geo WILD and Millan insist the pig is fine.
Another video clip was released to show
Simon being rehabilitated. While Simon is reluctant to
get pulled along by the pig at first (left), he soon keeps up (right)
Millan said on Friday he understands why he is being investigated
for animal cruelty but stands by his training methods. Millan is pictured here with Simon the dog during another training session
The complaint was started online and was based on footage from the show that sees the canine, who was attacking his owner’s pet pot-bellied pigs, biting into the pig’s ear in one clip.
The complaint is misguided because it was a happy ending — the pig was fine and the
dog was rehabilitated, Millan said.
More than 11,000 people have signed a petition to
take Cesar 911 off the air, calling his methods inhumane and said he ‘used the pig as a bait for
the dog all for ‘entertainment’ purposes.
LA County Animal Control also told TMZ that a number of viewers
called in to complain that his methods were inhumane.
Millan disagreed that he used the pig as bait to provoke the dog, and that Simon and the
pig ‘became best friends’ and the dog was no longer aggressive towards pigs.
In a follow-up segment, which was aired later in the episode,
Simon is seen co-existing peacefully with a group of pigs, including the very pig he previously attacked, a chicken and other animals.
The American Humane Society said it had received complaints about the episode, and called the incident
‘abuse’ in a statement.
Nat Geo WILD stepped in to defend Millan and said the pig
was treated and ‘showed no lasting signs of distress.’
On Thursday night, LA County Animal Control visited his Dog Psychology Center
in Santa Clarita, California but Millan was not there
at the time and no action was taken, according to NBC.
Animal officials told TMZ that they are looking into
the pig’s well being after complaints about Millan’s methods flooded in.
In an online petition, which has garnered 11,502 signatures, Jill Breitner of Sebastopol, California, accused
the dog behaviorist of animal cruelty and
using the pigs as bait.
In a statement released by Nat Geo WILD, the nature
channel defended Millan, saying he ‘created a safe and
controlled environment’ to rehabilitate ‘extreme’ cases of dog aggression.
It also argued that because of Millan’s work, Simon did not
have to be separated from his owner or euthanized.
Nat Geo Wild stood by Millan and reassured viewers that the
pig was fine by saying: ‘The pig that was nipped by Simon was tended to immediately afterwards,
healed quickly and showed no lasting signs of distress.’
In addition to the statement, another video clip was released, this time showing a successful training session with Simon and
the pigs.
In the clip, Millan introduces Simon into a pig pen with another
dog, who acts as a positive influence as he happily interacts with the animals.
‘Cesar Millan has dedicated his life to helping dogs and
to showing how even the most difficult ‘problem dog’ can be rescued and rehabilitated.
In a recent episode of the Nat Geo WILD series ‘Cesar 911,
‘ Cesar works with an aggressive French bulldog/terrier
mix named Simon, who has a history of attacking
other animals, including his owner’s pet potbellied pigs.
A short clip from the episode was shared online and showed Simon chasing a pig and nipping
its ear, causing the ear to bleed. The clip caused some concern for viewers who did not
see or understand the full context of the encounter.
‘We have included an additional clip from the same episode [click here to download] to provide missing context.
Cesar has created a safe and controlled environment at his Dog Psychology Center (DPC) in California in which to rehabilitate some of the most extreme — or ‘red zone’ — cases of dog aggression,
such as Simon’s.
It is important to clarify that Cesar took precautions, such
as putting Simon on a long lead to assess his behavior, before making initial corrections
and removing the leash. The pig that was nipped by Simon was tended to immediately afterward, healed quickly and
showed no lasting signs of distress. As the additional clip reveals,
Cesar and his animal pack effectively helped Simon to
overcome his aggressive behavior toward other animals; as a result, Simon did not have to be separated from his owner or
Simon slowly follows suit, and the dog whisperer gets Simon close to
the pigs without ‘having an intention to go after them’.
Soon enough, Simon’s leash is attached to the very pig he had attacked. While
Simon initially resists getting walked by the pig, he happily trots along in no time.
Millan looks satisfied in the video as he says: ‘What
they learn is to coexist with each other. Now Simon’s learned a different concept
– you can follow a pig, you can be near a pig, you can eat with a pig, don’t eat the pig.’
Last February, Millan was sued by a Florida nurse who claimed a dog named Gus attacked her despite being treated at Cesar’s center six
days before.
Millan found fame through his ‘Dog Whisperer’ TV show that
has been broadcast worldwide and who has sold millions of books about his techniques.
Cesar Millan
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American Airlines will be flying some of Hollywood’s biggest stars from LA and
New York to London for Sunday’s Baftas.
Here MailOnline Travel offers a tantalising behind-the-scenes look at the VIP travel service A-listers will be treated to
during their journey.
The airline claims it ‘has Hollywood luxury all wrapped up’.
Does it? Well, here’s the evidence – from being chauffeured across the tarmac from
the plane to the terminal, to unlimited champagne and in-flight DIY ice cream sundae
Arriving at LAX
American Airlines will be flying some of Hollywood’s biggest stars from LA and New York
to London for this Sunday’s Baftas. The airline offers a range of premium services catering
to celebrities, such as chauffeured cars to the plane
As soon as Hollywood’s elite arrive at LAX they will be treated to American Airline’s exclusive Five Star Service.
After an expedited check-in service they will be escorted to the comfort of a brand new lounge area called ‘Flagship’,
which opened last year as part of a $200 million investment
Luxury service from the get go
American Airlines wouldn’t reveal who will be boarding its planes this awards
season due to privacy reasons.
But potential customers are Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, Amy Adams and Emma Stone –
they’re all Bafta nominees.
As soon as Hollywood’s elite arrive at LAX, whether they’ve bought a business or
first class ticket, will be treated to American Airline’s exclusive ‘Five Star
In the Flagship lounge customers can enjoy a range of food options including a ‘robust’ food buffet
and a chef station with freshly made-to-order dishes.
They can pair their meals with premium wines, champagne, and spirits, or concoct a refreshing drink at the ‘build your
own cocktail’ station
If flying in first class, travellers will be able to
access a premium dining service with restaurant-worthy dishes
rustled up
They will be met curbside and taken to an exclusive check-in area, where they can avoid being
hassled by media. Then they get to skip to the front of the security lines.
The stars will then be escorted to the comfort of
a brand new lounge area called ‘Flagship’,
which opened last year as part of a $200 million investment
at LAX.
There customers can enjoy a range of food options including a
robust food buffet and a chef station with freshly made-to-order dishes.
They can pair their meals with premium wines, champagne, and spirits, or concoct a
refreshing drink at the ‘build your own cocktail’ station.
If flying in first class, travellers will be able to access a premium
dining service with restaurant-worthy dishes rustled up.
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To get into the celebratory mood, they can also indulge in craft spirits and specially-designed cocktails – which aren’t on offer to
business passengers.
Stars will be collected from the lounge by an attendant, shuttled to the plane across the tarmac in a luxury
car and will board the aircraft before other passengers.
A private jet-style aircraft
Offering celebrities a private jet-style service from Los Angeles to
New York, AA has reduced the number of seats on board
its Airbus A321T (pictured). The plane offers plenty
of room with just 102 seats, while other airlines flying the same model pack the space out with up to
230 seats
AA says that many stars flying from Los Angeles choose to stop in New York on their way to meet with agents or take part in photo
If they do this AA says the Bafta nominees will be
treated to ‘private jet-style service’ on board an Airbus A321T.
The airline has installed just 102 seats on the aircraft, while other airlines flying the same model pack the space out with up to 230 seats.
For stars who have snagged first class tickets – these start from $1,993 (£1,538) one way – AA says they can expect A-list treatment all the way.
Let’s begin with the seats – there are just ten, measuring 21 inches wide, and
they all lay flat and have direct aisle access.
Then there’s the fodder, which is sure to make the stars salivate.
AA says the first class menu features restaurant-worthy dishes, such as filet mignon, chicken cacciatore,
braised Tuscan beef stew and native lobster with fennel salad.
And, if they’re not too worried about fitting into their Bafta outfits, the stars might want to
check out AA’s popular sundae service, which means they can design their own ice creams.
The first class section on board AA’s Airbus A321T is very private with ten ‘all aisle access’ seats.
These extend to form lie-flat beds and plush bedding sets are provided so passengers
can pack in a spot of beauty sleep
In both business (above) and first class on the A321T
there is WiFi and TV screens with power outlets, so celebrities
can keep up to date with their Twitter accounts while they fly
Those travelling in business class, where tickets start from
$1,199 (£925), will be pleased to note that they can also indulge in this novel dessert service.
And they get a good sense of privacy, because there are just 20 seats in the
cabin, measuring 19 inches across.
These also extend to flat beds but they don’t provide all-aisle access as
in the first class area.
Although there isn’t lobster and filet mignon on the menu in business, the food offering
is still pretty appetising and AA says current menu items include red snapper tagine and braised short ribs.
In both business and first class on the A321T passengers get Bose noise
cancelling headphones, WiFi access and TV screens with power outlets.
For a spot of beautification there are amenity bags by luxury accessories brand Cole Haan stuffed with products from C.O.
Bigelow. These lotions and potions vary slightly between business and first.
Meanwhile, all passengers are provided with plush duvet and pillow sets by Casper, to
aid that all-important beauty sleep.
The flight across the Atlantic
AA’s Boeing 777-300 flies from Los Angeles and New York direct to London
As with the Airbus A321T, mouth-watering meals are served in business and in first class
and there is a dine-on-demand service so that passengers can eat when they
For the journey across the Atlantic, whether it’s from LA or New York, our gong hopefuls will
step on board a Boeing 777-300.
If they’ve plumped for first class – which costs from
$13,148 (£10,143) Los Angeles to London and $9,693 (£7,478) New York
to London – they’re in for the ultimate in sky high luxury.
There are just eight seats in the first class compartment, measuring
21.5 inches wide and, as with the other aircraft, these extend to flat beds and have direct aisle access.
Those paying the extra whack can indulge in a dine-on-demand service, meaning they can get meals curated by award-winning chef Sam Choy delivered whenever they please.
A view of the bar area on board the Boeing 777-300 where
passengers in business and first can help themselves to snacks and drinks throughout the flight
In first class on AA’s Boeing 777-300 passengers will get luxury bedding to optimise their comfort.
These Casper sleep sets include a mattress pad, lumbar pillow, blanket, duvet, two pillows,
eyemask, slippers and pyjamas
Crossing the transatlantic like a star certainly requires deep
pockets, as a return ticket from Los Angeles to London in business class starts
at $10,156 (£7,835) and runs up to $13,148 (£10,143) for a spot in first class.
Above, a picture of the first class cabin
Those jet-setting in first class will also get luxury Casper bedding to optimise their comfort.
These sleep sets include a mattress pad, lumbar pillow, blanket, duvet, two pillows,
eye mask, slippers and pyjamas.
Furthering the lure of first class, the seats on the AA Boeing 777-300
can swivel.
This means passengers can turn the space into a work station, with the seat rotating
towards a desk.
Alternatively, the chairs can be swivelled 180 degrees allowing passengers to dine together.
Business class isn’t too shabby, either.
The business class section on AA’s Boeing 777-30 is bigger
than average with 52 seats to ensure all stars (and their entourages) can be accommodated.
Above, a view of the business class area
On the comfort front, the stars can indulge in an array of lotions and potions from leading skincare brand C.O.
Bigelow, with an assortment of products neatly packed into
a smart Cole Haan amenity kit bag. Above, an amenity kit
from first class
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