Congratulations to our amazing SCSU HiEd faculty members, Dr. Brittany Williams and Dr. Rachel Friedensen for co-authoring two exceptional pieces! Dr. Williams’, How social class identity influences students’ leadership and advocacy development., can be found here: How social class identity influences students’ leadership and advocacy development – Williams – 2021 – New Directions for Student Leadership – Wiley Online Library. And Dr. Friedensen’s, “Queer Science: Temporality and futurity for queer students in STEM” is now out as an advanced online publication in Time & Society: Queer science: Temporality and futurity for queer students in STEM – Rachel E Friedensen, Ezekiel Kimball, Annemarie Vaccaro, Ryan A Miller, Rachael Forester, 2021 (!

Great work, Dr. Williams and Dr. Friedensen! St. Cloud State University HiEd students are guided and mentored by some of the brightest, most cutting-edge faculty in America. Come be a part of something great and join the SCSU HiEd family too! #WhySCSUHiEd

Dr. Rachel Friedensen, PhD
Dr. Brittany Williams, PhD

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