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Essay on the cover letter for academic jobs

Essay on the cover letter for academic jobs | Inside Higher Ed. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2013, from
Most Ph.D. students I’ve worked with over the years write at least seven drafts of their letter before it is workable. And then they often write another three or four drafts to perfect it for one job.

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Inside Higher Ed

Some 13-Year-Olds Tell Us Why They Think Facebook Stinks

Some 13-Year-Olds Tell Us Why They Think Facebook Stinks

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now that he has a phone, he would rather check out other cooler options, like Snapchat, Vine, and Instagram.
words are less important than images and videos
“I wouldn’t de-activate,” Aidan said. “It’s still a way to connect, I just won’t check it often.”

How Social Media Is Being Used In Education

good graph on the bottom of the article (

  • The level of personal use of social media among faculty (70.3 percent) mirrors that of the general population
  • 55 percent of faculty use social media in a professional context (any aspect of their profession outside of teaching), up from 44.7 percent last year
  • Only 41 percent of faculty use social media in the classroom, but this use continues to experience steady year-to-year growth
  • Faculty are sophisticated consumers of social media. They match different sites to their varying personal, professional, and teaching needs
  • Concerns remain about privacy, maintaining the class as a private space for free and open discussion, and the integrity of student submissions
  • Most faculty agree that “the interactive nature of online and mobile technologies create better learning environments” and that digital communication has increased communication with students
  • Faculty believe that online and mobile technologies can be distracting, and that they have resulted in longer working hours and more stress



1 Use TweetDeck

2 The more you give, the more you get

3 The power of the hashtag

4 Join the #edchatNZ club

5 Focus on following not followers

6 Make use of lists

7 Saving tweets for a rainy day

8 Don’t be a boring tweeter

9 Teaching with Twitter

10 The art of pithiness

Videos Explaining BYOD for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Excellent Videos Explaining BYOD for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning:

Bring Your Own Device/Technology is an initiative meant to increase students learning opportunities through technology.

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