Archive of ‘Library and information science’ category

plagiarism detection tools

link to the “Grammarly” thread:

Hi all, I don’t use Grammarly, but I hear that a lot of people find it useful. I am also hearing that some instructors/universities find its use problematic. Several years ago, a student that I knew was not a good writer was accused of plagiarism by another instructor. She claimed that her nearly flawless papers were written with the help of Grammarly. I am curious to know if you encourage or prohibit Grammarly in your classes and if your department or university has a policy concerning its use.

My summation of this thread:
naturally, opinions are for and against:
pros –
it helps/forces students understand the need to proofread
partially replaces the very initial work of instructor
cons –
algorithms/technology are/is not perfect
it does not replace a living person (sic!!!)
e.g. it detect passive voice, but does not teach the replacement

more on grammarly in this IMS blog

Ajit Pai will step down

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will step down on January 20 from r/technology

In 2017, Pai voted with his fellow Republican commissioners to remove rules that prohibited internet providers from blocking or slowing traffic to particular sites and offering higher speed “lanes” at higher prices. Many major internet providers have not yet taken advantage of that rule change, however.

Net neutrality advocates cheered Pai’s departure online.

more on netneutrality in this IMS blog


Fake authority

You may see articles by Vernon Coleman, for instance. As a former GP he would seem to have some credentials, yet he has a history of supporting pseudoscientific ideas, including misinformation about the causes of Aids. David Icke, meanwhile, has hosted videos by Barrie Trower, an alleged expert on 5G who is, in reality, a secondary school teacher. And Piers Corbyn cites reports by the Centre for Research on Globalisation, which sounds impressive but was founded by a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.

pre-suasion” – essentially, removing the reflexive mental blocks that might make them reject your arguments.

more on conspiracy theories in this IMS blog

more on fake news in this IMS blog

Case Act Copyright trolling

‘Tis The Season: Congress Looks To Sneak In Unconstitutional Copyright Reform Bill Into ‘Must Pass’ Spending Bill from r/technology

the many problems with the CASE Act,

overhauling the copyright system to enable massive copyright trolling

more on copyright in this IMS blog

warped reality

Warped RealityTED Radio Hour

False information on the internet makes it harder and harder to know what’s true, and the consequences have been devastating. This hour, TED speakers explore ideas around technology and deception. Guests include law professor Danielle Citron, journalist Andrew Marantz, and computer scientist Joy Buolamwini.

more on deep fake in this IMS blog

clicker-type questions groupwork for online synchronous class

Higher Ed Learning Collective

I am thinking about doing clicker-type questions as well as groupwork with instant response as the core of my online synchronous class. With this in mind, I am considering either Top Hat (which the students have used as clickers, but what I am not sure about is how well it works for groupwork) versus Learning Catalytics (which has a mode that I know works well and forces students to do the questions themselves first … which I have a love/hate relationship with – and has some question types that might be interesting but I am not as certain about the interface). I’d like to hear your thoughts.
FWIW: the class is general chemistry.


OER repositories and platforms

Higher Ed Learning Collective

Have you used OER this semester? If so, have you used it more due to the online instruction? If not, what drew you to OERs in the first place? I’m going to be facilitating a webinar session hosted by the KBOR OER steering committee this week on Repositories and Platforms. What kind of questions do you remember having when you first started using these? If you aren’t using them, but are curious, what questions do you have? Thanks in advance.


H5P, Pressbooks,

more on OER in this IMS blog

school privacy data

Using Student Data to Identify Future Criminals: A Privacy Debacle

Under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), schools can share student records with a contractor or outside party to whom the school has outsourced certain functions, if that outside party (like a designated school resource officer) meets all three of these conditions:

  1. The outside party is performing a service that would otherwise be performed by school employees.
  2. The outside party’s use of education records is under the direct control of the school.
  3. The outside party does not use the education records for anything other than the reason they were originally shared, and does not share the education record with anyone else unless it secures written consent from the parent of the student.

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