The Future of University Credentials

The Still-Evolving Future of University Credentials

Sean Gallagher is founder and executive director of Northeastern University’s Center for the Future of Higher Education and Talent Strategy, and executive professor of educational policy.

The growth of educational platform companies such as Coursera and 2U is being driven in part by a surge in demand for certificate programs and “alternative credential” offerings. The number of open badges awarded nearly doubled from 24 million in 2018 to 43 million in 2020. And major companies and industry groups are increasingly getting into the credentialing game, exemplified by firms such as IBM and Google. Strada Education Network’s consumer polling has shown that 40 percent of working-age adults have earned some type of non-degree credential—and that non-degree credentials are at the top of the list for adults seeking education or retraining.

plenty of confusion or ignorance in the marketplace about the basic differences between “certificates” and “certifications.”

skills-based hiring

badging, embedding certificates into degrees and the idea of offering small credentials on the way to a larger one are emerging as key trends

The future will likely see a continued de-emphasis on merely requiring that prospective employees hold college degrees.

the needs of the job market are changing faster than ever, meaning a greater need for upskilling

a new national survey of C-suite executives that we recently conducted, 70 percent said that U.S. workers should be worried about their skills becoming outdated over the next few years.

Innovations such as stackable non-degree credentials as an on-ramp and low-cost MOOC-based degrees from top universities are likely to only grow access to post-baccalaureate education. The number of MOOC-based degrees is approaching 100

Online education services companies – or “OPMs” as many refer to them, have continued to play a major role in the scaling of online higher education, within, and now increasingly beyond the U.S.

the Lumina-sponsored Connecting Credentials campaign; the launch of the Non-Degree Credentials Research Network; the development of UPCEA’s Hallmarks of Excellence in Credential Innovation,


Spatial metaverse platform NFTs

Spatial to focus on becoming a metaverse platform for cultural events and announces $25M in new funding

Spatial, the former augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) collaboration platform, has today announced a significant company evolution to become the metaverse for cultural events such as NFT exhibitions, brand experiences, and conferences, whether on web, mobile, or VR.

Gamification to Teach Information Literacy Skills

Laubersheimer, J., Ryan, D., & Champaign, J. (2016). InfoSkills2Go: Using Badges and Gamification to Teach Information Literacy Skills and Concepts to College-Bound High School Students. Journal of Library Administration, 56(8), 924.

From online trivia and virtual board games to complex first-person perspective video games and in-person scavenger hunts, libraries are creating games for a variety of purposes, including orientations and instruction (Broussard,2012; Mallon, 2013; Smith & Baker, 2011).

Although the line between gaming and gamification can be blurry, most scholars recognize differences. Games are interactive, involvechallenge, risk, and reward, and have rules and a goal (Pivec, Dziabenko, &Schinnerl, 2003; Becker, 2013). Gamification, on the other hand, utilizes spe-cific gaming elements, often interactivity and rewards, to make an ordinary task more engaging (Prince, 2013). The gamification layer is not the focus of an endeavor, but rather can add enjoyment and a sense of competition toa task. 

Battista (2014) argues that well-executed badges could represent an authentic assessment tool, because they often require the student to tangibly demonstrate a skill, competency, or learning outcome.

Use of the badges helped the team organize the Web site and provided a hierarchy to follow once the steps for earning each badge were created.Each badge consists of three to six tasks. A task can be a tutorial, a video, a game, or a short reading assignment on a given topic. An assessment is given for each task

The fourth and final platform the group considered was BadgeOS fromLearningTimes. BadgeOS requires a WordPress installation BadgeOS was designed to work with Credly ( and Mozilla Open Badges ( as standard features. 
LearnDash was the most useful plugin for the project beyond BadgeOS. Available for a reasonable fee, LearnDash adds tools and features that give WordPress the ability to be used as a complete learning management system(LMS). 
Available for free under the GNU Public License, BuddyPress( is another plugin that was capable of integrating with BadgeOS as an extension. The advantage of BuddyPress for the project group was the addition of social media components and functionality to the project Web site. offered comprehensive technical support, easy application instal-lation, and competitively priced hosting packages. A 3-year hosting agree-ment was purchased that included domain registration, unlimited storageand unlimited bandwidth.

compare to

practical application of D2L Brightspace badges for a chemistry course at SCSU

Library Instruction Chem 151

Hottest Edtech Topics for 2022 by ISTE

The Hottest Topics in Edtech for 2022

8. Augmented, mixed and virtual reality
7. Social-emotional learning
6. Equity and inclusion
5. Online tools and apps
4. Distance, online, blended learning
3. Computer science and computational thinking
2. Instructional design and delivery
1. Project-based learning


5 Emerging Technology Trends Higher Ed Is Watching for in 2022

  1. Increased Adoption of Learning Analytics and Adaptive Learning
  2. Growth of Mobile Learning in Higher Ed
  3. Smarter Artificial Intelligence–Powered Tutors
  4. The Rise of Short-Form, Video-Based Learning
  5. Advanced VR and Immersive Learning Technologies

Library and information science and ethics

literature: и наред с IFLA е добре да се има пред вид ЮНЕСКО (за мен би било интересно да видя/чуя студентите ти как се „разграничават” от ИТ специалистите). Статиите в това списание интересни ли са им? Ако не са, защо? Как те виждат бъдещата си професия и т.н.). Ако се окаже, че повечето се разграничават, тогава да обсъдят тази статия:
five categories: intellectual freedom, privacy, intellectual property, professional ethics, and intercultural information ethics (syllabus, как твоя клас се различава от този? Прилича на този?) (това видео, повече от час, сравнено с предния учебен план, интересно) (преглед на теориите, методологията)  и
(тези две са интересни, защото са case study и по манталитет, ресурси и т.н., ние сме по близо до Нигерия и Иран, отколкото САЩ). Ето, да се противопостави на тази статия: и тази също
collection development, censorship, privacy, reference services, copyright, administrative concerns, information access, technology-related issues, and problems with conflicting loyalties това е книга, мога да се опитам В Индия, разглеждат етиката като част от изследователските методи. Това може да е полезно, ако наистина мислите за магистърска програма. libguide (споменах ви за платформата)

LaTurbo Avedon Is Way Ahead of the Metaverse

LaTurbo Avedon Is Way Ahead of the Metaverse

The artist, who only exists online, was working in digital spaces long before anyone talked about NFTs.

The deal with Avedon is this: They don’t exist offline, simply describing themselves as “from the internet.” They are a digitally native creature, building art across online worlds like Second Life, Fortnite, and Star Citizen, and showing said art in prestigious galleries across the United States and Europe.

There’s no separating the art from the artist, because the artist is the art project, a sprightly-looking, nonbinary virtual being untethered from a human body. You could call them a high-art version of avatar influencers like Lil Miquela, although the most apt characterization might be a cross between the Japanese hologram pop idol Hatsune Miku and the pseudonymous British street artist Banksy—the performance of persona is part of the project. Like the ethereal Hatsune Miku, Avedon is visually represented by an avatar. But while it’s out in the open that Miku is a software-fueled collaboration between teams of humans,

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